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Design Specs

Flacial edited this page Aug 22, 2022 · 4 revisions

Mock based on Design

Current Design

Old Design Link

Global Style

  • Colors
    • Primary: hsl(248, 66%, 55%) | #5440d8
    • Text
      • Dark purple: hsl(248, 56%, 16%) | #181240
      • Gray purple: hsl(249, 11%, 37%) | #575469
      • Light: hsl(0, 0%, 100%) | #ffffff
    • Background
      • purple: hsl(248, 66%, 55%) | #5440d8
      • Green: hsl(170, 66%, 38%) | #21a18c
      • Light Gray: hsl(0, 0%, 96%) | #f5f5f5
      • Light Purple: hsl(232, 100%, 97%) | #f0f2ff
      • White: hsl(0, 0%, 100%) | #ffffff
      • Dark Gray: hsl(248, 10%, 42%) | #636076
  • Font: Inter
  • Brand Font: PT Mono
  • Code Font: Fira Code
  • Display Font: Rubik

Page Breakdown


Components - Shared

  • Button
    • Primary
    • Secondary
  • Card
    • Default
    • Success
  • Input
    • Success
    • Error - Input Invalid
  • Link Text
  • Logo
  • NavBar

Login / Signup

Used in Login, Signup, Success, Reset Password


  • Card
  • Layout - Box
  • Link Text
  • Title

Nav (logged In)

Nav Links: Home, Lessons, Community, Profile

Lesson List


  • LessonCard
    • Toggle On/Off state
  • SideNavLinks
  • SideNavTitle
  • StatusCard

Lesson Challenge


  • Color States
  • Number Badge
  • Status Badge


  • 50/50 section split
  • User Search / Filter box
  • Remove Stars -> Should not be rating users


  • Modal

Mentor Page


  • Review -> Dropdown to see the code

Mentor Review Page


  • Should show multiple submissions

Lesson Content - Put Off

  • Ignore the Lesson card (Doesn't provide any value)
  • Markdown Renderer ( Research )
    • Toggles
    • Tables
    • Table Of Content

Low Priority

  • Comments on Lesson Content
  • Lesson FAQ