Name | Status |
Program Structure | Done |
Basic Syntax | Done |
Data Types | Done |
Variables | Done |
Functions | Done |
Loops | Done |
Name | Subitems | Status |
Strings | Done | |
Collections | Done | |
Array | Done | |
Enum | Done | |
List | Done | |
Dictionary ( HashMap) | Done | |
Structures / Classes | Working on it | |
Generics | Done | |
Regular Expressions | Stuck | |
Exeption Handling | Working on it |
Name | Subitems | Status |
Async / Await | Working on it | |
Callbacks | Done | |
Tasks | Done | |
Actions | Done | |
Anonymous Functions | Done | |
Delegates | Done | |
Events | Stuck |
Name | Subitems | Status |
Creational Patterns | Working on it | |
Abstract Factory | Working on it | |
Builder | Stuck | |
Factory Method | Working on it | |
Prototype | Done | |
Singleton | Done | |
Structural Patterns | Working on it | |
Adapter | Working on it | |
Bridge | Done | |
Composite | Done | |
Decorator | Stuck | |
Facade | Done | |
Flyweight | Working on it | |
Proxy | Working on it | |
Behavioral Patterns | Working on it | |
Chain of Responsibility | Working on it | |
Command | Working on it | |
Iterator | Done | |
Mediator | Working on it | |
Memento | Done | |
Observer | Done | |
State | Done | |
Strategy | Done | |
Template Method | Working on it | |
Visitor | Done | |
Object Oriented Programming | Done | |
Encapsulation | Done | |
Inheritance | Done | |
Polymorphism | Done | |
Abstractions | Done | |
SOLID | Working on it | |
Single-responsibility | Done | |
Open–closed | Working on it | |
Liskov substitution | Working on it | |
Interface segregation | Working on it | |
Dependency inversion | Stuck | |
GRASP | Stuck | |
Information Expert | Stuck | |
Creator | Stuck | |
Low Coupling & High Cohesion | Working on it | |
Protected Variations | Stuck | |
Controller | Done | |
Polymorphism | Done | |
Pure Fabrication | Working on it | |
Indirection | Working on it |
Name | Subitems | Status |
DataBases | Working on it | |
Dependency Injection | Working on it | |
Testing | Done | |
Unit Tests | Done | |
Integration Tests | Working on it | |
End To End Tests | Done | |
General skills | Working on it | |
Git | Working on it | |
Continuous Integration | Working on it | |
Protocols | Stuck | |
APIs | Working on it |
Name | Status |
Game Dev | Done |
Artificial Intelligence | Working on it |
Shaders & Computer Graphic | Working on it |