npm module to work with concurrency - worker threads and worker processes easily using simple functions and script files
npm install concurrency.js --save
Find the demos in the demos folder
concurrency._concurrencyClusters(filename: <string>, num: <number>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
[deprecated in v0.0.5 in favour of .concurrency.clusters]
concurrency.clusters(filename: <string>, num: <number>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
concurrency._concurrencyProcesses(filename: <string>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
[deprecated in v0.0.5 in favour of .concurrency.processes or .concurrencyProcesses]
concurrency.processes(filename: <string>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
concurrency._concurrencyThreads(filename: <string>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
[deprecated in v0.0.5 in favour of .concurrency.threads or .concurrencyThreads]
concurrency.threads(filename: <string>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
concurrency._concurrencyThreadsAsync(command: <string>, options: <Object>, nodeCmd: <boolean>)
[deprecated in v0.0.5 in favour of .concurrency.threadsAsync, .loadbalancer.threadsAsync, or .concurrencyThreadsAsync]
concurrency.threadsAsync(command: <string>, options: <Object>, nodeCmd: <boolean>)
loadbalancer.loadbalancer(serverOptions: <Object>)
loadbalancer.processing(serverOptions: <Object>)
loadbalancer.processingMultiple(serverOptions: <Object>)
loadbalancer.clustering(serverOptions: <Object>)
loadbalancer.threading(serverOptions: <Object>)
loadbalancer.threadingMultiple(serverOptions: <Object>)
concurrency.concurrencyClusters(filename: <string>, num: <number>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
.concurrencyClusters(filename = __filename, num = cpus().length, options = {}, greet = false)
._concurrencyClusters(filename = __filename, num = cpus().length, options = {}, greet = false)
.concurrencyClusters(path.join("node_module\\concurrency.js\\src\\worker.cluster.js"), 8, {...}, false)
._concurrencyClusters(path.join("node_module\\concurrency.js\\src\\worker.cluster.js"), 8, {...}, false)
Create a cluster of nodejs processes using a filename to fork
const path = require("path");
let { concurrencyClusters as clusters } = require("concurrency.js");
function concurrency() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
clusters(path.join("node_module\\concurrency.js\\src\\worker.cluster.js"), 8, {
data: {
data: "Testing parent data",
url: ""
childData: "Test data from child"
.then((d) => {
console.log("Data fetched", JSON.stringify(d));
.catch((e) => {
// Any data type you wish to handle = {}
// All event handlers.
// The name of the key will be the exact event name in lowercase
// [TODO] consider parent child event handler names.
// Consider name all child thread, process, cluster process to be named as <childEVENT>.
// Example: childClose, childMessage
options.handlers = {
message: () => {},
error: () => {},
exit: () => {},
close: () => {}
concurrency.concurrencyProcesses(filename: <string>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
.concurrencyProcesses(filename = __filename, options = {}, greet = false)
._concurrencyProcesses(filename = __filename, options = {}, greet = false)
const path = require("path");
let { concurrencyProcesses as processes } = require("concurrency.js");
processes(path.join("node_module\\concurrency.js\\src\\worker.process.js"), {
data: {
message: "Testing data",
url: ""
}, true)
.then((d) => { console.log("Data fetched: ", JSON.stringify(d)); })
.catch((e) => { console.log(e.toString()); setTimeout(() => { process.exit(e); }, 5000) })
// Any data type you wish to handle = {}
// All event handlers.
// The name of the key will be the exact event name in lowercase
// [TODO] consider parent child event handler names.
// Consider name all child thread, process, cluster process to be named as <childEVENT>.
// Example: childClose, childMessage
options.handlers = {
message: () => {},
error: () => {},
close: () => {},
childExit: () => {}
concurrency.concurrencyThreads(filename: <string>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
.concurrencyThreads(filename = __filename, options = {}, greet = false)
._concurrencyThreads(filename = __filename, options = {}, greet = false)
const path = require("path");
let { concurrencyThreads as threads } = require("concurrency.js");
threads(__filename, {
data: {
url: "",
data: "Testing data"
childData: "Testing child data"
}, true)
.then((d) => console.log(JSON.stringify(d)));
concurrency.concurrencyMultipleThreads(filename: <string>, num: <number>, options: <Object>, greet: <boolean>)
.concurrencyMultipleThreads(path.join(__filename), 8, {...}, false)
._concurrencyMultipleThreads(path.join(__filename), 8, {...}, false)
// Any data type you wish to handle = {}
// All event handlers.
// The name of the key will be the exact event name in lowercase
// [TODO] consider parent child event handler names.
// Consider name all child thread, process, cluster process to be named as <childEVENT>.
// Example: childClose, childMessage
options.handlers = {
message: () => {},
error: () => {},
exit: () => {},
close: () => {},
childExit: () => {} // exception for child process exit event naming
concurrency.concurrencyThreadsAsync(command: <string>, options: <Object>, nodeCmd: <boolean>)
.concurrencyThreadsAsync(command, options, nodeCmd = true)
._concurrencyThreadsAsync(command, options, nodeCmd = true)
.concurrencyThreadsAsync("node_module\\concurrency.js\\src\\demos\\demos.threads.js", {...}, true)
._concurrencyThreadsAsync("node_module\\concurrency.js\\src\\demos\\demos.threads.js", {...}, true)
const path = require("path");
let { concurrencyThreadsAsync as threadsAsync } = require("concurrency.js");
let threads = threadsAsync("node_module\\concurrency.js\\src\\demos\\demos.threads.js", {
data: {
data: "Testing parent data",
url: ""
childData: "Test data from child"
, threadingMultiple
, .threadPool
, .processing
, .processingMultiple
, .clustering
loadbalancer.threading(serverOptions: <Object>)
Create loadbalancer threads.
'use strict';
var threading = require("loadbalancerjs").threading;
var httpSocketServer = require("loadbalancerjs").sockets.httpSocketServer;
var server = require("./express-app");
"server": server,
"protocol": "http",
"createCerts": true,
"host": "localhost",
"proxy": {
"proxy": true,
"protocol": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 7000,
"proxyHost": "",
"proxyPort": 9000
"certs": {
"key": "./certs/ssl.key",
"cert": "./certs/ssl.cert"
"port": 8000,
"ws": true,
"processes": 5,
"threads": 10,
"mainProcessCallback": () => { },
"forkCallback": (opts, pr) => {
// console.log(opts, pr);
// console.log(opts);
"callbacks": {
"wsOnData": null,
"wsOnEnd": null,
"wsUpgrade": null,
"server": null,
"listen": null
loadbalancer.threadingMultiple(serverOptions: <Object>)
Create loadbalancer threads multiple.
'use strict';
var threadingMultiple = require("loadbalancerjs").threadingMultiple;
var httpSocketServer = require("loadbalancerjs").sockets.httpSocketServer;
var server = require("./express-app");
"server": server,
"protocol": "http",
"createCerts": true,
"host": "localhost",
"proxy": {
"proxy": true,
"protocol": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 7000,
"proxyHost": "",
"proxyPort": 9000
"certs": {
"key": "./certs/ssl.key",
"cert": "./certs/ssl.cert"
"port": 8000,
"ws": true,
"processes": 5,
"threads": 10,
"mainProcessCallback": () => { },
"forkCallback": (opts, pr) => {
// console.log(opts, pr);
// console.log(opts);
"callbacks": {
"wsOnData": null,
"wsOnEnd": null,
"wsUpgrade": null,
"server": null,
"listen": null
loadbalancer.processing(serverOptions: <Object>)
Create loadbalancer processing.
'use strict';
var processing = require("loadbalancerjs").processing;
var httpSocketServer = require("loadbalancerjs").sockets.httpSocketServer;
var server = require("./express-app");
"server": server,
"protocol": "http",
"createCerts": true,
"host": "localhost",
"proxy": {
"proxy": true,
"protocol": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 7000,
"proxyHost": "",
"proxyPort": 9000
"certs": {
"key": "./certs/ssl.key",
"cert": "./certs/ssl.cert"
"port": 8000,
"ws": true,
"processes": 5,
"threads": 10,
"mainProcessCallback": () => { },
"forkCallback": (opts, pr) => {
// console.log(opts, pr);
// console.log(opts);
"callbacks": {
"wsOnData": null,
"wsOnEnd": null,
"wsUpgrade": null,
"server": null,
"listen": null
loadbalancer.processingMultiple(serverOptions: <Object>)
Create loadbalancer multi processing.
'use strict';
var processingMultiple = require("loadbalancerjs").processingMultiple;
var httpSocketServer = require("loadbalancerjs").sockets.httpSocketServer;
var server = require("./express-app");
"server": server,
"protocol": "http",
"createCerts": true,
"host": "localhost",
"proxy": {
"proxy": true,
"protocol": "http",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 7000,
"proxyHost": "",
"proxyPort": 9000
"certs": {
"key": "./certs/ssl.key",
"cert": "./certs/ssl.cert"
"port": 8000,
"ws": true,
"processes": 5,
"threads": 10,
"mainProcessCallback": () => { },
"forkCallback": (opts, pr) => {
// console.log(opts, pr);
// console.log(opts);
"callbacks": {
"wsOnData": null,
"wsOnEnd": null,
"wsUpgrade": null,
"server": null,
"listen": null
Contributions, Feature Improvements, Bugs, and Issues are invited. raising an issue