Resistance thermometer are sensors used to measure temperature by correlating the resistance of the RTD element with temperature. This software implements a large amount of the various profiles needed to perform computation on these sensors.
- Select sensor from the dropdown
- Input either temperature (in Celsius) or resistance (in Ohm), resolve the other value.
- Switch the dropdown to "Resolve RTD" to use temperature and resistance to resolve an appropriate sensor.
pi@delta ~ $ gnuplot
Terminal type set to 'wxt'
gnuplot> c(x) = A + B*x + C*x**2 + D*x**3
gnuplot> fit c(x) "thermistor.txt" using (log($2)):(1.0/(273.15+$1)) via A,B,C,D
Final set of parameters Asymptotic Standard Error
======================= ==========================
A = 0.00116597 +/- 1.838e-06 (0.1576%)
B = 0.000220635 +/- 7.053e-07 (0.3197%)
C = 1.81284e-06 +/- 8.904e-08 (4.912%)
D = 2.73396e-09 +/- 3.699e-09 (135.3%)
gnuplot> plot "thermistor.txt" using (log($2)):(1.0/(273.15+$1)), c(x)