Galio's official website is open source and a tool for and by the community. Submit isseus and pull requests for site ideas or copy edits.
The site is made with Jekyll, an open source static site generator. This means Jekyll takes the content we want te be on the site and turns them into HTML files automatically. GitHub provides free hosting for repositories, called GitHub pages, and that's how the site is hosted.
If you see an error or a place where content should be updated or improved, just fork this repository to your account, make the change you'd like and then submit a pull request. If you're not able to make the change, file an issue.
You can take all the files of this site and run them just on your computer as if it were live online, only it's just on your machine.
After installing all dependencies, clone the repository and run the following commands:
gem install bundler # first time only
bundle install # first time only
bundle exec jekyll serve
Open http://localhost:4000
in your browser
Don't see what you're looking for? Create an issue, we'll do our best to help you out.