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This Ansible playbook is used to build Galaxy on the Cloud system or any of its components. The playbook is used by the Galaxy project and is intended for anyone wanting to deploy their own version of Galaxy on the Cloud, whether it is on a private or public cloud.

The Galaxy on the Cloud system is composed of several components that are all necessary before the complete system can be used. This playbook was created to build those as simply as possible. We strongly recommend reading through this page before starting the build process as it has more background information.

This playbook is intended to be run on a Ubuntu 14.04 system.

Table of Contents


Clone this repository and run the following command to install any roles that are not included in the repo:

git clone
cd galaxy-cloudman-playbook
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements_roles.yml -p roles -f

If you are looking to update your local roles to the tip of their respective repositories, the same ansible-galaxy command should be used.

Required configuration

The playbook configuration options are stored in group_vars/all and they need to be updated before using this playbook. Additional cloud configuration options are stored in image.json. The following options must be set before running the playbook:

  • Create an AWS S3 bucket where the galaxyFS archive will be uploaded and provide the bucket name for galaxy_archive_bucket variable; an S3 bucket is required for this step (if you really don't want to use S3, you will need to disable the upload tasks and then manually upload the archive to the desired location);
  • Export the following local environment variables:
    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY: your Amazon Web Services access key
    • AWS_SECRET_KEY: your Amazon Web Services secret key
    • CM_VNC_PWD: a throwaway password used for a bridge between VNC and noVNC
    • CM_GALAXY_FTP_PWD: a password Galaxy will use to auth to PostgreSQL DB for FTP
    • CM_GALAXY_ADMIN_PWD: a Galaxy admin account password for a user that will be created to install any Galaxy tools during the build process
  • For building components on an OpenStack cloud, it is also necessary to define following environment variables (additional config options can also be defined; see Packer documentation for OpenStack for more). If using identity v2, set the following env variables: OS_PASSWORD, OS_USERNAME, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_AUTH_URL. If using identity v3, set the following ones: OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME, OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME, OS_PROJECT_NAME, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_AUTH_URL, OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION. These variables can be obtained from your OpenStack account Dashboard by downloading the OpenStack RC file (from Instances -> Access & Security -> API Access) and sourcing it.

Optional configuration options

Majority of the configuration options are stored in group_vars/all and they represent reasonable defaults. If you would like to change any of the variables, descriptions of the available options are provided in README files for individual roles that are included in this playbook.

Multiple Clouds

The Packer system and the build scripts support the ability to build the image on multiple destinations simultaneously. This is the default behavior. The destinations are defined as builders sections inside the image.json file. At the moment, builders define the following destinations: amazon-ebs (us-east-1 region), nectar (NeCTAR cloud), chameleon (Chameleon cloud), and jetstream (Jetstream cloud). Note that only one of the OpenStack clouds can be used at a time, for whichever one the environment variables credentials have been sourced. To build the select destinations, use:

packer build -only=amazon-ebs|nectar|chameleon image.json

The defined builders use the default security group. Make sure the security group allows SSH access to the launched instances. To get more debugging info, you can run the command as follows packer build -debug image.json. To increase the Packer logging verbosity, run the command as follows: env PACKER_LOG=1 packer build galaxy_on_the_cloud.json.

Building on OpenStack

Current implementation of CloudMan and CloudLaunch rely on the OpenStack EC2 API using boto library. As a consequence, the target OpenStack cloud must have the EC2-compatibility layer enabled. New versions of CloudLaunch and CloudMan are planned (and under development) that will use native OpenStack APIs, hence removing this requirement.

Building the components

As stated above, there are several roles contained in this playbook. Subsets of those roles can be used to build individual components. The following is a list of available components:

  • CloudMan: (i.e., cluster-in-the cloud) only the machine image is necessary
  • galaxyFS: the file system used by Galaxy on the Cloud; it contains the Galaxy application and all of the Galaxy tools

Machine Image

There appears to be a bug in combination of Packer/Ansible/Ubuntu where the required packages don't get installed for Ansible to run. To work around this run packer command with the --debug option, ssh to the builder instance and run the following command before packer attempt to ssh into the instance: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev

Further, there appears to be an issue with Packer running on OpenStack lately so building the image without Packer is the currently recommended method.

To build the machine image, run the following command (unless parameterized, this will run the build process for all the clouds defined in image.json, see Multiple Clouds above):

packer build -only=amazon-ebs|nectar|chameleon image.json

Note that this command requires the same environment variables to be defined as specified above. Additional options can be set by editing image.json, under extra_arguments section. If you have made changes to image.json configuration file, before you run the build command, it's a good idea to execute packer validate image.json and make sure things are formatted correctly. The build command will provision an instance, run the Ansible cloudman-image role, create an AMI, and terminate the builder instance. The image build process typically takes about an hour. You can also run the build command with -debug option to get more feedback during the build process.

Running without Packer

To build an image without Packer, make sure the default values provided in the group_vars/all file suit you. Create a copy of inventory/builders.sample as inventory/builders, manually launch a new instance and set the instance IP address under image-builder host group in the builders file. Also set the path to your private ssh key for the ansible_ssh_private_key_file variable. This option also requires you to edit image.yml file to set hosts line to image-builder while commenting out connection: local line. Run the role with:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/builders image.yml --extra-vars vnc_password=<choose a password> --extra-vars psql_galaxyftp_password=<a_different_password> [--extra-vars cleanup=yes]

On average, the build time takes 30 minutes. The cleanup var should not be set for AWS instances (see the next paragraph).

For AWS, to enable enhanced networking, it is necessary to stop the instance and modify its attribute with the following command. This step must be run using the AWS CLI.

aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id <instance-id> --sriov-net-support simple

Start the instance, update the IP address in the builders file, and run the following command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/builders image.yml --extra-vars only_cleanup=yes

Note that after this step, you will no longer be able to ssh into the instance! After the build process completes, create a machine image using the API or the cloud dashboard. The size of the image root file system should be set to 50GB.


A configuration file exposing adjustable options is available under group_vars/all. Besides allowing you to set some of the image configuration options, this file allows you to easily control which steps of the image building process run. This can be quite useful if a step fails and you want to rerun only it or if you're just trying to run a certain steps.

Galaxy File System

The Galaxy File System (galaxyFS) can be built two different ways: as an archive or a volume. The archive option creates a tarball of the entire galaxyFS and uploads it to S3. When instances are launched, the archive is downloaded and extracted onto a local file system. Note that a single archive can be downloaded from multiple cloud availability zones and even multiple clouds. Galaxy on the Cloud releases (Mid 2015 onwards) use this option and this is the default action for this playbook.

Alternatively, galaxyFS can be built as a volume and converted into a snapshot. The created snapshot can then be shared (or made public). Launched instances will, at runtime, create a volume based on the available snapshot. For this option, a volume snapshot needs to exist in each region and on every cloud instances want to be deployed.

In addition to the conceptual choices, this role requires a number of configuration options for the Galaxy application, CloudMan application, PostgreSQL database, as well as the glue linking those. The configuration options have been aggregated under group_vars/all and represent reasonable defaults but you can change them as you feel is more appropriate. Keep in mind that changing the options that influence how the system is deployed and/or managed may also require changes in CloudMan.

Playbook-specific variables

Each of the included roles have their own README file capturing the available variables. The list of variables provided below represents only the variables that are specific to this playbook and do not otherwise show up in the included roles. These variables can be changed in group_vars/all file:

  • cm_create_archive: (default: yes) if set, create a tarball archive of the galaxyFS file system
  • galaxy_archive_path: (default: /mnt/galaxyFS_archive) the directory where to place the file system tarball archive. Keep in mind that this directory needs to have sufficient disk space to hold the archive.
  • galaxy_archive_name: (default: galaxyFS-latest.tar.gz) the file name for the archive
  • galaxy_timestamped_archive_name: (default: galaxyFS-{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}.tar.gz) timestamped file name for the archive that will be uploaded to S3 in addition to galaxy_archive_name
  • galaxy_archive_bucket: (default: cloudman/fs-archives) after it's created, the archive will be uploaded to S3. Specify the bucket (and folder) where to upload the archive.
  • aws_access_key: (default: {{ lookup('env','AWS_ACCESS_KEY') }}) the AWS access key. The default value will lookup specified environment variable.
  • aws_secret_key: (default: {{ lookup('env','AWS_SECRET_KEY') }}) the AWS secret key. The default value will lookup specified environment variable.

Installing Galaxy tools

Before building the file system, you may choose to have Galaxy tools automatically installed as part of the build process (by setting the value of variable galaxy_install_tools to yes in file group_vars/all. The list of tools to be installed from a Tool Shed needs to be provided. A sample of the file can be found in files/shed_tool_list.yaml. Which file to use can be specified via tool_list_file variable in file group_vars/all. If you do not wish to have the tools installed as part of the build process, set the variable galaxy_install_tools to no.

If you wish to use this playbook only to install some Galaxy tools, comment out all roles except in galaxyFS.yml file. You may also want to comment out the pre_tasks, depending on where you are running this.

Building or updating galaxyFS

When building a fresh version of galaxyFS or updating an existing one, start by launching an instance of the image created above. To launch it, it is best to use the CloudLaunch app. You can install your own instance or contact us and ask to have your cloud added to the list of clouds available on the public instance running at Either way, it is necessary to get an AWS-compatible image ID for the image you built. Take a look at this snippet of code for an example connection setup.

When launching CloudMan, if building an all-new file system, choose Cluster only with Transient storage cluster type if you're building an archive or Persistent storage with desired volume size if you're building a volume/snapshot. If you are updating an existing file system, launch an instance with the functional file system (i.e., either transient or volume based) and run this playbook 'over' it (see more below).

Once an instance has launched, edit galaxyFS.yml to set galaxyFS-builder hosts field and comment out connection: local entry. Update the galaxy_changeset_id variable in variables/all and set the launched instance IP address under galaxyFS-builder host group in the inventory/builders file. Then invoke the following command (having filled in the required variables):

ansible-playbook -i inventory/builders galaxyFS.yml --extra-vars psql_galaxyftp_password=<psql_galaxyftp_password from image above> --extra-vars galaxy_tools_admin_user_password=<a password>

If you are updating an existing file system, start a Galaxy CloudMan instance and wait for CloudMan to start all services before proceeding. Note that for this step, it is not necessary to shut down any services. Update the value of galaxy_changeset_id variable in variables/all. Finally, if you already have a registered admin user and want to install/update tools, provide the admin user API key and set variable galaxy_tools_create_bootstrap_user to no. If you don't want to install/update any tools, set variable galaxy_install_tools to no. Then run the following command:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/builders galaxyFS.yml --extra-vars galaxy_tools_api_key=<API KEY> --tags "update"

This will download and configure Galaxy as well as install any specified tools. Note that depending on the number of tools you are installing, this build process may take several hours. At the end, if building the file system from scratch, a file system archive will be created and uploaded to S3. It is often desirable (and necessary) to double check that tools installed properly and repair any failed ones. In that case (or if you are updating an existing file system), after we've made the changes, it is necessary to explicitly create the archive and upload it to the object store. To achieve this, via CloudMan, stop the Postgres service (which will in turn stop all the other necessary services) and rerun the above command with --tags "filesystem".

When completed, terminate the builder instance via CloudMan.

galaxyFS as a volume

After you have launched an instance, go to CloudMan's Admin page and add a new-volume-based file system of desired size (e.g., 10GB). Set variable cm_create_archive to no. Then, run the above ansible-playbook command. After the process has completed, back on CloudMan's Admin page, create a snapshot of the file system.

Accessing Galaxy on the build system

After the build process has completed, you can access the Galaxy application. To do so, visit CloudMan's Admin page. First, disable CloudMan's service dependency framework (under System Controls). Then, start Postgres, ProFTPd, and Galaxy services - in that order, while waiting for each of them to enter Running state before staring the next one. Once Galaxy is running, the Access Galaxy button will become active.


Despite the best effort, especially when installing tools, it is likely that the build process will not go quite as expected and manual intervention will be necessary. In this case, start Galaxy as described in the previous sub-section, and login as the bootstrap user (use the login info you defined for variables galaxy_admin_user and galaxy_admin_user_password). Tools can then be 'repaired' from the Galaxy Admin page.

Keep in mind that whatever actions you perform in Galaxy at this stage will be preserved in the final build. For example, if you create a user, upload data, or run jobs - all of these will be preserved after the file system build process is completed. It is thus a good idea to see what has broken, find a permanent fix for it, update the build process and build everything again. Unfortunately, this does not apply to tools installed from the Toolshed because it is likely you will not have control over those tools. Those tools need to be repaired manually or via Galaxy.

After you are done troubleshooting, stop Galaxy, ProFTPd, and Postgres from CloudMan's Admin page and run the playbook with only cm_create_archive enabled.

Tying it all together

After all the components have been built, we need a little bit of glue to tie it all together. See this page (section Tie it all together) for the required details.


Build components for CloudMan, Galaxy on the Cloud, or Galaxy Server







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