The idea behind this project is to provide a set of common functionnalities and some very basic guidance when writing Data Access Objects for Graph Databases supporting the Tinkerpop Blueprint API.
It is composed by a set of abstract interfaces and behavior and a custom implementations for OrientDB. The core package works with Titan. See the unit tests for Titan DB for an example.
Using SGAL you'll automatically be able to have a full CRUD support for objects of type T
in the DB at the cost of
defining a marshaller for T
The responsibilities of the marshaller are to:
- Write and update the properties for the Vertexes storing type T, i.e. the attributes of the Vertex in the Graph
- Write and update the edges representing the relationships of Vertexes storing type T with other Vertexes
A Marshaller looks like the following code
object BandMarshaller extends OrientGraphMarshaller[Band] with OrientDBBasicConversions {
type IdType = String
override def vertexClassName: String = "artist"
val PlaysIn = "plays-in"
val NameAttribute = "name"
val StylesAttribute = "styles"
override def getModelObjectID(band: Band) =
override def read(vertex: Vertex)(implicit graphDb: TransactionalGraph): Band =
override def propertiesForCreate(band: Band) = Set(
NameAttribute ->,
StylesAttribute -> band.styles
// Cannot update name..
override def propertiesForUpdate(band: Band) = Set(
StylesAttribute -> band.styles
override def writeRelationships(artist: Band, vertex: Vertex)(implicit graphDb: TransactionalGraph) = {
artist.musicians.foreach { musician =>
vertex <-- PlaysIn <-- musician
override def updateRelationships(band: Band, vertex: Vertex)(implicit graphDb: TransactionalGraph) = {
vertex.removeEdges(PlaysIn, Direction.IN)
writeRelationships(band, vertex)
Once you defined the marshaller for your types you can start writing expressions as
entity writeTo vertex
entity updateTo vertex
entity readFrom vertex
entity readMaybe vertexMaybe
Using the given marshaller you can create a CRUD supporting DAO with an extra query method with the following code. Note that the code is using some OrientDB specific features as the query by Lucene Index
class BandDao(override val graphFactory: OrientGraphFactory) extends OrientDbDAO[Band] with OrientIndexNamingSupport with OrientDBBasicConversions with NoValidations[Band] {
override def marshaller = BandMarshaller
def findByMusician(musician: Musician): Iterable[Band] = withGraphDb { implicit db =>
vertexFor(musician).fold(Stream.empty[Band]) { vertex =>
.map {[Band] }
def findByPartialName(partialName: String): Iterable[Band] = withGraphDb { implicit db =>
implicit val orientDb = db.asInstanceOf[OrientGraph]
findByIndexedProperty(marshaller.NameAttribute, partialName).toIterable
The DAO trait is validating objects before writing and updates. Validation can be implemented as you wish and only need to throw an
when the object is considered invalid as per the GraphDAOValidations
trait GraphDAOValidations[T] {
* Validates an object before writing it as a new instance
* @param newInstance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the object is invalid
* @return
def validateNew(newInstance: T): T
* Validates an object before writing it as an already existing instance
* @param updatedInstance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the object is invalid
* @return
def validateUpdate(updatedInstance: T): T
An already available implementation of the validation is based on the ValiData project and allows you to specify the data validations with a simple DSL as per the example below:
object TestVertexValidator extends TypeValidator[TestVertex] with BaseValidations {
override def validations = requiresAll(
"Key" definedBy { _.key } must { beOfMinimumLength(3) and matchRegexOnce("[a-z]+.*".r) },
"Property" definedBy { } must bePositive[Int]
class TitanTestVertexDao(graph: TitanGraph) extends GraphDAO[TestVertex] with ValiDataValidations[TestVertex] {
override protected def createTransactionalGraph: TransactionalGraph = graph
override protected def newInstanceValidator: TypeValidator[TestVertex] = TestVertexValidator
override protected def updatedInstanceValidator: TypeValidator[TestVertex] = TestVertexValidator
override def marshaller = new TestVertexMarshaller
// Returning a Stream here will fail because the objects would be read outside the transaction...
def findByRelationship2(relatedObj: TestVertex): Iterable[TestVertex] = readWithGraphDb { implicit graph =>
vertexFor(relatedObj).fold(List.empty[TestVertex]) { vertex =>
.map([TestVertex] )
The sub-project sgal-orient contains an extension of sgal-core with some specific features for Orient and some changes in custom methods implementation to support some difference in the transaction support in Orient compared to Titan.
Copyright 2014 PragmaSoft Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: