Kaggle Challenge: Intel & MobileODT Cervical Cancer Screening
This repository contains the program code and data for the Kaggle competition Intel & MobileODT Cervical Cancer Screening
To prepare preprocessed dataset and trained models, please download arhives with data & models after cloning this repo:
Preparation of trained models (this step is necessary to start the demo). Models for cervix&channel classifiacation is available in this repository models/segm, and models for cervix types classification is avaiulable in cloud-storage: Trained on basic data and Trained on additional data:
cd Kaggle_Cervical_Cancer_Screening
cd models
wget https://cloud.mail.ru/public/GMHD/yeteP2zmW -O model_cervix_classification_basic.tar
tar xf model_cervix_classification_basic.tar
wget https://cloud.mail.ru/public/MA5K/w4KEndxsB -O model_cervix_classification_with_add.tar
tar xf model_cervix_classification_with_add.tar
To run Demo code go to the demo directory & run segmentation & classification tasks:
cd Kaggle_Cervical_Cancer_Screening
cd demo
./start01-automatic-segmention.sh # to start segmentation task
./start02-automatic-classification-basic.sh # to start classification task
Pre-processed data (for stage1) is available for download from: Basic dataset for training and Additional data