This java based project collect data from a IEC 62056 Energy meter and broadcast the information to a MQTT server.
Nothing more, no fancy features.
You can extract many informations from different energy meter without investing a lot of money.
As example
- Total power consumption
- Current power consumption
- Current amps and voltage
- Current KW used
- Power factor
For a budget of about 50$ / 50€
This information can then be sent to a MQTT server with this project.
This project depends on the following libraries
jrxtx and j62056 (org.openmuc): Collect data from the energy meter
exp4j (net.objecthunter): Allow some simple expressions in the config (like (A + B) /3 )
mqtt-client (mqtt-client): Wrapper to MQTT
It's an "over-the-weekend" project - but it should be enough to avoid you spending your week-end on it.
This project was tested with IR Schreib/Lesekopf USB (Optokopf)
This project is probably compatible with other devices.
This project should be compatible with all environments that support java.
This project works fine on Raspberry. I run it on a Raspberry A.
Download the project using
git clone
or another way.
For now you need to compile this project first.
Just install maven on your computer and run
mvn package
You should have some important files
These files are all you need.
It's similar to the next section :)
I use a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
You need first to install a linux environment on the raspberry.
Then install some libraries and java
sudo apt-get install librxtx-java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-17-jre librxtx-java
You may be interested to add the user that will run this program to "dialout"
sudo adduser yourname dialout
I suggest to shutdown the HDMI interface to lower a bit the energy usage (should be done at every restart)
/usr/bin/tvservice -o
Copy on your target computer the jar of this project
And all files in
Your raspberry as
And configure this file to fit your environment.
Create a that contain
cd /home/whereyourscriptislocated
java -cp "target/extra-libs/exp4j-0.4.8.jar:target/extra-libs/j62056-2.2.0.jar:target/extra-libs/jrxtx-1.0.1.jar:target/extra-libs/mqtt-client-0.4.0.jar:target/EnergyMeter.jar" ch.nuage.energymeter.Main
Don't forget to make it executable :)
chmod 755 ./
And execute the script. You should see the data of your energy meter in /tmp/EnergyMeter.log.
If you are interested to start the client when your raspberry start, start the client when the raspberry starts.
crontab -e
Add this line at the end of this file
@reboot /home/whereyourscriptislocated/
Now your module should be pushing data to your mqtt server.
You need to install mosquitto-clients
apt-get install mosquitto-clients
And start listening message on multiple channels (in this example the channels in the default configuration.)
mosquitto_sub -h -t /home/energy/meter/info -t /home/energy/meter/total -t /home/energy/meter/volts -t /home/energy/meter/amps -t /home/energy/meter/kws -t /home/energy/meter/powfactors
Try to configure openHAB2 to listen and process these messages.