We want to empower individuals to develop to their full potential by solving real-world problems that are essential to the preservation of humanity's past and continued survival and development into the future. For the individual, we propose educational experiences that are more hands on and which encourage the full range of expression of human potential. For society, we want to leverage community-service based education to solve problems that promote the survival of our species and its cultures while simultaneously building empowered communities.
The very etymology of the word education is from the Latin ex duco
meaning to lead out. We align our mission with this etymology by seeking
ways to draw ideas forth from individuals and uniquely express themselves
by making meaningful contributions to their communities by leveraging
their unique talents and experiences. We seek to become a provider of
educational experiences that recognizes that a discipline is a construct
to organize knowledge, not the definition of knowledge in and of itself.
Education should encourage people to develop new disciplines to meet the
grand challenges of our century. The only way we will meet these challenges
is by empowering people and societies to tackle them head on; we intend to
enable them to do exactly that.