Download and place INSTRUCTIONS.sh in a directory of your choice
- First option: Code (green top right button) -> Dowload ZIP -> Place and unzip the file in a folder.
- Second option: git clone https://github.com/ga1an/Video-Object-Detection-.git in a terminal place in the directory.
Move to the downloaded folder:
cd Video-Object-Dectection-/
Give right permisions to the bash file INSTRUCTIONS.sh:
chmod +x INSTRUCTIONS.sh
- Two confimation steps will appear. Write 'y' on the terminal in order to continue the instalation in both cases.
Donwload and copy .pth inside model.pytorch/ directory:
baseline: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W17f9GC60rHU47lUeOEfU--Ra-LTw3Tq/view?usp=sharing
MEGA: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZnAdFafF1vW9Lnpw-RPF1AD_csw61lBY/view?usp=sharing
Dowload and unzip additional matirials in model.pytorch/datasets directory:
Can be found in the moodle page of the subject-> LABS -> Lab 2: Video object detection -> LAB2-Session1-Aditional material (https://posgrado.uam.es/mod/resource/view.php?id=908972)
Second option: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HWknu9savYKZBne2pfLCPT9LlGRHnLXm/view?usp=sharing
activate MEGA enviroment and move to mega.pytorch/ folder:
conda activate MEGA
cd mega.pytorch/
Now you should be able to run the demo:
python demo/demo.py base configs/vid_R_101_C4_1x.yaml R_101.pth --suffix ".JPEG" --visualize-path datasets/image_folder/ --output-folder visalization
Running base and mega:
- Base:
python demo/demo.py base configs/vid_R_101_C4_1x.yaml R_101.pth --video --visualize-path datasets/video.avi --output-folder visualization [--output-video]
- Mega:
python demo/demo.py mega configs/MEGA/vid_R_101_C4_MEGA_1x.yaml MEGA_R_101.pth --video --visualize-path datasets/video.avi --output-folder visualization [--output-video]
Remeber to check that the .pth paths and the video paths are coherent with the ones on your directory.
Aditional information can be found in the original GitHub repository (https://github.com/Scalsol/mega.pytorch/tree/master).
Other models weights: https://github.com/Scalsol/mega.pytorch/blob/master/README.md - section Main Results
Requeriments: https://github.com/Scalsol/mega.pytorch/blob/master/INSTALL.md