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Spider Solution (Crawler) in NestJS

This is a spider solution (crawler) built using NestJS, which receives crawling requests and extracts links from web pages based on a specified starting URL. The solution implements a Breadth-First Search (BFS) crawling strategy with support for scalability, persistence, and handling a high number of requests and heavy crawling.


  • Crawls web pages using the BFS algorithm.
  • Receives crawling requests with a starting URL, maximum number of links to return, and crawl depth.
  • Supports parallel processing to handle a high number of requests efficiently.
  • Persists crawling requests and their results.
  • Optimized for heavy requests with pages containing many links and deep crawling.
  • Scalable architecture for distributed deployment.
  • RESTful API endpoints for submitting crawling requests and retrieving crawled data.


  • Node.js
  • npm
  • MongoDB (optional, if using persistence)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd spider-solution
  3. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Set up the configuration:

    • Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.
    • Modify the configuration parameters in the .env file as per your environment.
  5. Start the application:

    npm run start

    The application will start running on http://localhost:3001.


  1. Send a POST request to http://localhost:3001/crawler with the following JSON payload:

      "startUrl": "",
      "maxLinks": 10,
      "crawlDepth": 3
    • startUrl: The starting URL for crawling.
    • maxLinks: The maximum number of links to return.
    • crawlDepth: The depth to which the crawler should enter (nested links).
  2. The application will initiate the crawling process and return the crawled links as a JSON response.

Persistence (Optional)

If you want to enable persistence for the crawling requests and their results, follow these additional steps:

  1. Install MongoDB and ensure it is running on your system.

  2. Update the .env file with your MongoDB connection details:


    Modify the MONGODB_URI value to match your MongoDB connection string.

  3. Start the application:

    npm run start

    The application will now persist the crawling requests and their results in the configured MongoDB database.

Design Concept

  1. Architecture Overview:

    • The spider solution follows a microservices architecture, separating concerns into modules to promote modularity and maintainability.
    • The main components include:
      • Crawler Module: Responsible for handling crawling requests, executing the crawling algorithm, and persisting the crawled data.
      • Database Module: Handles database interactions for storing and retrieving crawled data.
      • API Module: Provides the RESTful API endpoints for receiving crawling requests and returning crawled data.
      • Queue Module: Manages a message queue system to handle asynchronous processing and distribute crawling tasks across multiple instances.
  2. Crawler Module:

    • Contains the core logic for crawling web pages using the BFS algorithm.
    • Includes the CrawlerService that encapsulates the crawling functionality, such as extracting links, managing visited URLs, and storing crawled data.
    • Utilizes libraries like Axios for making HTTP requests and Cheerio for parsing HTML content and extracting links.
    • Implements parallel processing techniques to handle a high number of requests concurrently, improving performance and scalability.
    • Integrates with the Database Module to persist crawled data.
  3. Database Module:

    • Manages the interaction with the database for storing and retrieving crawled data.
    • Utilizes an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library like Mongoose or TypeORM to interact with the database.
    • Defines a schema and model for the CrawledData entity, specifying the structure of the crawled data to be stored.
    • Handles database operations, such as saving crawled data, querying for specific data, and managing database connections and transactions.
  4. API Module:

    • Exposes the RESTful API endpoints to receive crawling requests and return crawled data.
    • Utilizes the NestJS framework's decorators and controllers to define the API routes.
    • Validates and sanitizes the incoming requests, ensuring the required parameters are provided and within acceptable limits.
    • Uses the Crawler Service to initiate the crawling process and return the crawled data as a response.
  5. Queue Module (optional):

    • Implements a message queue system (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka) to handle asynchronous processing and distribute crawling tasks across multiple instances.
    • Decouples the crawling requests from the processing logic, improving scalability and fault-tolerance.
    • Queues incoming crawling requests, and worker instances pick up tasks from the queue and process them asynchronously.
    • Allows for easy scaling by adding more worker instances as the workload increases.
  6. Error Handling and Logging:

    • Implements appropriate error handling mechanisms throughout the application, handling exceptions, and returning meaningful error responses to the client.
    • Utilizes logging libraries like Winston or Bunyan to log important events and errors, facilitating troubleshooting and monitoring of the system.
  7. Scalability and Performance:

    • Uses techniques like parallel processing, distributed architecture, and caching to support high request volumes and heavy requests with deep crawling.
    • Implements caching mechanisms to reduce redundant crawling of the same URLs.
    • Distributes the spider solution across multiple instances or servers, utilizing load balancing and container orchestration technologies to handle scalability requirements.
  8. Monitoring and Metrics:

    • Incorporates monitoring tools like Prometheus or Datadog to collect and visualize performance metrics, such as request latency, error rates, and resource utilization.
    • Implements health checks and monitors the system's vital components to ensure availability and performance.