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Releases: g4ixt/QtTinySA

v0.11.8 bugfixes

28 Sep 21:17
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Issue 66: preferences still save to the config database if a TinySA is not connected.
Issue 67: file >Browse TinySA shows correct bitmap file and 'save' saves the selected (clicked-on) file.
Fixed trace updates stopping for very fast sweeps.

The single file executables below include the config database. If you are upgrading from a version older than v0.11.7, rename the old database first and the new one will be copied automatically.

QtTinySA.bin is a new Linux executable that was built using the 'Nuitka' Python Compiler and works on Ubuntu 24.04 and 22.04 and Debian v12. It does not work on earlier versions.

QtTSAprefs.db is the configuration database. includes both a Windows executable (built on 07.01.2025 using pyinstaller) and the config database file.

v0.11.7 enhancements

02 Sep 17:29
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NOTE: This release requires the updated config database QtTSAprefs.db. It is backwards compatible with firmware older than 1.4.177 as far back as 1.4.120. It does not work with firmware 1.4.109 or earlier.

Much faster stopping on slow sweeps when 'stop' is pressed.
Changed the way the GUI screen is updated by the measurement thread. Previously it was updated every 20 measurements, so the update rate varied and for very fast sweeps could cause the GUI to freeze. Now it is a fixed rate and set in the 'preferences' dialogue in mS and there is a 'update rate indicator' at the bottom left of the main screen.
Changed measurement Fn to use the new scanraw auto-repeat option available with firmware 1.4.177 onwards.
Zero span now working as well as it can without re-coding
Added code for enhancement #58 (detect/choose from several connected tinySA, request by Herb Walker)
Added box to set the maximum scan frequency above 6GHz in 'preferences' dialogue (request by @ashjmckenzie )
Changed 'max' trace to permanent hold until scanning stopped/restarted, instead of a decaying max based on scan 'memory' (request by @CliveTombs)
Marker min/max detection frequency boundary lines added (request by @CliveTombs)
SyncTime, AverageBox & Sample repeat added to config database
Removed padding from the GUI display
Set Scan to Graph button (<>) added
Clicking a marker centres the sweep freq onto that marker
Units on freq axis now set automatically (changed preferences database to Hz instead of MHz)
Changes to openport Fn and testport Fn with error trapping

Bugfix: selecting a marker set freq incorrectly
Bugfix: band selection combobox didn't work unless tinySA hardware was detected
Bugfix: (#56) band add fail after preferences window opened
Bugfix: filebrowse picture not being shown if a csv was selected first
Bugfix: min/max marker Fn
Bugfix: when marker selected in band combo box

Thank you to @CliveTombs for a lot of testing.

v0.10.6 - bugfix for Windows

09 Jun 13:48
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Fix Windows configuration database path bug. Windows users note: If previous versions were installed, your personal configuration database will be (for example): C:\Users\Clive\AppData\Local\QtTinySA\QtTinySA\QtTSAprefs.db
To keep it, move it up one level, i.e. to: C:\Users\Clive\AppData\Local\QtTinySA\QtTSAprefs.db

File menu added with new features:
browse SD card, view bitmap screen captures and save files to PC
Preferences menu new feature:
sync TinySA time to PC
Rationalised serial command encoding
Bugfixes for preset markers
Better control of displayed marker frequency precision
Removed requirement for newer version of "platformdirs" so it now works with the ancient 2.5.1 in Ubuntu 22.04 repo

This version is backwards-compatible with the v0.10.2 configuration database, but not with earlier versions.


26 Apr 16:48
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This version is backwards-compatible with the v0.10.2 configuration database, but not with earlier versions.

CSV import bugfixes
Improvements to preset markers


05 Apr 13:49
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NOTE: If you installed v0.10.0 or later, you will need to replace the config database file QtTSAprefs.db with the new one. See Wiki.

A slow scan can now be stopped by pressing the 'jog' wheel button (on the TinySA itself).
LNB/Mixer mode added. Activated in 'preferences' by setting LO freq != 0 and choosing high or low side.
GUI controls made more compact to create more room for spectrum display on small screens.
Switch between normal and 3D display with a button next to 'Run' button, instead of a separate Tab.
More settings saved/restored on programme stop/start.
'Delete All' preset bands/markers button added to 'preferences' - deletes all rows selected by filter.
Row ID removed from preset bands/markers table in 'preferences'.
Import from CSV bugfix - now respects 'visible' setting.
Tooltips added to replace control labels.