Note: you cannot run the project simutaneously on the front and the back without cloning the project in two different folder.
You will need to have MySQL installed on your machine and started.
git clone [email protected]:g-ongenae/writtter.git
# Go to the back branch
git checkout master
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Launch the app
npm start
## Or to run in development mode (relauch on modification)
npm run dev
# Go to the Front branch
git checkout front
# Install dependencies
npm install
# If you don't launch a local back-end
# you will need to comment the Config.js base url to the local back end
# and use the remote (production one, not safe for a real case, but here it doesn't matter).
# Start the app
npm start
# Open your favorite browser
open https://localhost:8080
# Back
git checkout master
npm install
npm test
# Front
git checkout front
npm install
npm test
To deploy, we use Heroku and GitHub Pages.
Back end deployment process:
# Go the back end branch
git checkout master
# make your modification on the back and commit them
git commit -a -m "Modify this..."
# Push and deploy them to the server
git push heroku master
Front end deployment process:
# Go to the front end branch
git checkout front
# make your modification on the front and commit them
git commit -a -m "Modify this..."
# Push and deploy them to the server
npm run deploy