This is a collection of data movement capabilities intended as a building block that can be integrated into a variety of different control planes. They are used in fybrik, but can be run as a stand-alone service.
The mover copies data between any two supported data stores, for example S3 and Kafka, and applies transformations. It's built with extensibility in mind so that additional data stores or transformations can be used. A description of the current data flows and data types can be found in the mover matrix.
The CI pipeline of the mover builds an updated image as new pull requests are merged and on a schedule so that security updates of the base image are applied.
The latest image can be found at:
The following notes sketch out how to manually build the images. The Spark base image can be built locally with the following command:
docker build -t spark-base:3.0.3 -f src/main/docker/spark/spark3.Dockerfile src/main/docker/spark
After the base image is finished the mover image can be built locally using:
mvn package jib:dockerBuild -DskipTests -Plocal-to-ghcr
If a different image name and tag is preferred it can be specified with
Afterwards it can be pushed to a registry using the docker push
Tested on OSX with Docker 19.03.13 and kind 0.9.0
Create the kind cluster:
kind create cluster --name kind -v 4 --retain --wait=1m --config ./kind-config.yaml --image=kindest/node:v1.16.9
Configure kind cluster to find registry:
kubectl config use-context kind-kind
for node in $(kind get nodes); do
kubectl annotate node "${node}" "";
Create local registry:
docker run -d --restart=always -p "5000:5000" --name "kind-registry" registry:2
docker network connect kind kind-registry
Spark 2.4 base
docker build -t spark-base:2.4.8 -f src/main/docker/spark/spark2.Dockerfile src/main/docker/spark
mvn package jib:dockerBuild -DskipTests -Plocal-registry -Pspark2
docker push localhost:5000/fybrik/mover:latest
Spark 3.0 base
docker build -t spark-base:3.0.3 -f src/main/docker/spark/spark3.Dockerfile src/main/docker/spark
mvn package jib:dockerBuild -DskipTests -Plocal-registry -Pspark3
docker push localhost:5000/fybrik/mover:latest-spark3
In order to develop/test against a Kafka environment the
method can be used in
the kind environment. This will use the strimzi operator to install a local Kafka
cluster that can be used to read/write data to. This will expose the kafka cluster on port 30092 on your
local machine and the schema registry for Kafka on port 30081.
An entry has to be added to your local /etc/hosts file so that kafka0
maps to
: kafka0
The BatchTransfer spec.image parameter has to be set to localhost:5000/fybrik/mover:latest
Tested with minikube v1.8.1.
minikube setup:
minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox --addons=registry --kubernetes-version v1.16.0 --memory=4000mb
Login to minikube using minikube ssh
and run the following command to make sure that the image
registry is available for downloading images.
echo -e "\timage-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Point Docker environment to minikube's eval $(minikube docker-env)
minikube is running in a VM and has a docker instance. This can be used to build and load images.
Make sure that your docker client is using minikube's docker environment: eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build -t spark-base:3.0.3 -f src/main/docker/spark/spark3.Dockerfile src/main/docker/spark
mvn package jib:dockerBuild -DskipTests -Pdev
The BatchTransfer spec has to be adapted changing the image and imagePullPolicy.
The image pull policy has to be IfNotPresent
as no image should be pulled but the already available
image in the local minikube docker should be used.
image: mover:latest
imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
- Make sure the cert-manager operator is installed. Either by installing via OpenShift UI or manually via
kubectl apply -f
- Install the fybrik.
- Make sure you can push images to your OpenShift. On the IBM Cloud an article on how to set up an external route can be found here
In OpenShift it's important to push the images to the project where they will be used. So if the BatchTransfers
are to be used in namespace default
the image should be available internally at image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/default/mover:latest
Note: OpenShift has external and internal URLs. To push the image from your local machine to e.g. an OpenShift
in the cloud the external URL might be something like
while the internal URL where the images will be reachable is image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000.
The images
will be re-tagged automatically.
docker build -t spark-base:3.0.3 -f src/main/docker/spark/spark3.Dockerfile src/main/docker/spark
mvn package jib:dockerBuild -DskipTests<your_registry>/<your_namespace>/mover:latest
docker push <your_registry>/<your_namespace>/mover:latest
The BatchTransfer spec.image parameter has to be set to image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/<your_namespace>/mover:latest
Alternatively if you want to specify a default image for all BatchTransfers and StreamTransfers please change the MOVER_IMAGE
environment variable in the deployment of the controller.
kubectl -n fybrik edit deployment fybrik-controller-manager
The app can be run locally via the AppTest suite as well. Extend it with another test that is using a configuration of your choosing. A correct configuration file has to be put in a path. An example template configuration can be found here
When the job is not starting, shows errors about using uid ranges or shows permission errors like the following :
Caused by: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: ./mover-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Add the anyuid policy to your service account:
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n mover
- When the job ends with
[Transfer$] Could not send finished event to Kubernetes!
io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: POST
then the proper roles to create events are not defined in the namespace you are using. Please run kubectl apply -f EventCreatorRole.yaml
- When receiving a
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker$DiskErrorException: No space available in any of the local directories
when running locally in kind most probably your docker is running out of space and it's recommended to reset it:
docker system prune
docker volume prune