Releases: fxthomas/airsonic
Airsonic 10.6.1 (with API fix)
fix-lastfm-10.6 Fix Last.FM scrobbling on AudioScrobbler API v1 (HTTPS not available)
Airsonic 10.6 (with DLNA tentative fix)
This tries to fix a DLNA issue in the last release (10.6).
Airsonic 10.6-SNAPSHOT (With HSQLDB 2.5 and cached tables)
Note: This build will upgrade your database and make it unusable to older releases. Please don't use on your production instance without keeping a backup!
This release branches off the last commit off master (64fad6a) and adds the in-progress PR to use HSQLDB 2.5 (airsonic#1345) as well as a database change to use CACHED
This has the potential to improve memory usage for very large libraries.
Airsonic 10.5.0 (With seekable audio)
This merges airsonic#1123 into Airsonic 10.5.0, which should restore the ability to seek within audio files on the web player.
Airsonic 10.4.1 (With scan logging)
Update 2019/11/07: Added more logging around retrieving music folders.
This backports 8b72964 from Airsonic master, which adds debug logs to the scanning process.
Run Airsonic with the
option at the start of the command line (warning: this will spew a lot of logs):
java [...other options...] -jar airsonic.war
Example output:
2019-10-22 21:19:42.779 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.SettingsService : Found music folder [/home/fx/Music]
2019-10-22 21:19:42.978 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 1, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.981 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 6, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/01 アラジン.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.981 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 7, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/09 世阿弥.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.981 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 8, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/03 一休さん.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.981 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 9, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/02 坂本龍馬.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.982 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 10, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/07 オードリー.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.982 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 11, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/06 チャップリン.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.982 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 12, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/04 オニャンコポン.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.982 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 13, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/05 チンギス・ハン.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.982 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 14, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/10 アマノウズメ.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:42.982 DEBUG --- o.a.p.service.MediaFileService : Detected unmodified file (id 15, path /home/fx/Music/SUPERMAN/08 カメハメハ大王.flac)
2019-10-22 21:19:43.027 INFO --- o.a.p.s.MediaScannerService : Scanned media library with 19 entries.
2019-10-22 21:19:43.028 INFO --- o.a.p.s.MediaScannerService : Marking non-present files.
2019-10-22 21:19:43.028 INFO --- o.a.p.s.MediaScannerService : Marking non-present artists.
2019-10-22 21:19:43.029 INFO --- o.a.p.s.MediaScannerService : Marking non-present albums.
2019-10-22 21:19:43.031 INFO --- o.a.p.s.MediaScannerService : Completed media library scan.
10.4.1 (With fix for MariaDB migrations)
2019/10/21: Updated following comment in airsonic#1352