A really-really small library to check method arguments.
Just add this dependency to you maven project :
The class Checker
offers static methods to check various conditions :
: checks nullityChecker.respect
: checks a fields against- a REGEXP if a pattern is given
- a Predicate which takes the parameter and returns true or false
: checks if an integer is between 2 integers (included)Checker.notEmpty
: checks if a collection is empty
Here is an example used in the JUnit tests :
public static void demoPreconditions(String name, Integer age, byte[] picture, Collection<String> skills)
Checker.notNull("name",name, Predicate.not(String::isEmpty); // Java 11
Checker.notNull("age", age, IllegalArgumentException::new);
Checker.notNull(picture, "picture");
Checker.inRange("age", age, 14, 18);
Checker.inRange("age", age, 14, 18, AgeBusinessException::new);
Checker.respects("name", name, "[A-Z]+");
Checker.respects("picture", picture, ValidationUtils::isPngData);
Checker.notEmpty("skills", skills);
Messages are bundled into the file "tiny-preconditions.properties".
They are loaded and accessed by the enum class PreconditionMessage
Here are the default messages :
SHOULD_NOT_BE_NULL=The argument {0} should not be null
SHOULD_NOT_BE_EMPTY=The argument {0} should not be empty
SHOULD_BE_BETWEEN=The argument {0} should be between {1} and {2} inclusive
SHOULD_MATCH_REGEXP=The argument {0} should match this regexp {1}
SHOULD_RESPECT_BOOLEAN_CONDITION=The argument {0} should respect this boolean condition \: {1}
MAP_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN_ANY_NULL_REFERENCE=The map {0} should not contain any null references but key [{1}] refers to null
Localized and custom messages can be easily added.
This project aims to be rated A with Codacy and Codefactor.
Developments are and will be made in that goal.
This project is build with Travis-CI and tested with JDK 8 and JDK 11.
Please feel free to collaborate to this tiny project to make it as tiny as possible but as powerfull as it could be.
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