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Source Code for Evaluating Data Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition over the German Legal Domain


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DOI License: MIT

Evaluation of Data Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition in the German Legal Domain

  • We evaluate the effect of Synonym Replacement, Mention Replacement and Back-Translation augmentation techniques when applied to data from the German legal domain.

  • We assess this impact by training two NER models (BiLSTM-CRF, XLM-RoBERTa) on different fractions of the augmented data and thereby also explore how the impact relates to different dataset sizes.

  • Our training and evaluation workflow is illustrated in the figure below.

    • We take the train split of the dataset and then create 5 new datasets from it, consisting of different fractions (1%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 100%) of the full split.
    • We then create a baseline by training the models on these untouched fractions of the train split and evaluating them on the test split.
    • We evaluate the effect of the augmentation techniques by training the models on the augmented dataset fractions and evaluating them on the same untouched test split.
    • A more detailed description of the workflow can be found in the paper.
  • The dataset used is the German LER dataset.

Overview of proposed workflow



  • We recommend to use the virtual environment tool conda.
  • To setup the environment, execute the following commands:
    • conda create --name flair-gpu
    • conda activate flair-gpu
    • conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
    • conda install pip
    • pip install -r requirements.txt


  • We recommend to setup the OpenThesaurus mySQL database locally if it is to be used as source for Synonym Replacement with large datasets.
  • We used the database dump from the 30th of May 2022. We make this specific version available on Zenodo: DOI
  • Alternatively one can download the most recent dump here.
    • If no database connection is provided, the augmentation script will use the (limited) public API.


  • Next, the dataset has to be downloaded from here.
  • The ler.conll file has to be renamed to train.txt and put into a folder called LER_dataset in the root folder.
  • Empty test.txt and dev.txt files should be created in the LER_dataset.
  • Finally, python can be executed in the root folder to split the dataset into train (70%), test (15%), and dev sets (15%) and create the training-split fractions.
  • The resulting datasets will be saved in the src/datasets folder.
  • This can be done using the following commands:
  1. mkdir LER_dataset
  2. curl -o LER_dataset/train.txt
  3. touch LER_dataset/dev.txt
  4. touch LER_dataset/test.txt
  5. python
  • The result consists of train/test/dev.txt files together with a collection of folders each one representing a training fraction and the same test/dev.txt files (e.g., folder ___0.5 represents the 50% split of the training set)
  • This data is provided on Zenodo: DOI



  • The augmentations can be performed with the following commands:

    • Synonym Replacement: python aug/ dataDir percentage source
    • Mention Replacement: python aug/ dataDir
    • Back-Translation:./
  • The parameters are defined as follows:

    • source can be either "fasttext", "clm" or "thesaurus".
    • percentage can be any value between 0 and 1.0, determining replacement percentage.
    • dataDir is the path to the directory that contains the train.txt, test.txt and dev.txt files.
  • One example would be: python aug/ datasets/___1.0 0.2 clm.

  • We provide the list of commands that should be run to automatically perform all the augmentations (.\, .\, and .\

  • The final generated datasets are stored under src/datasets/.

    • folders beginning with "c" contain the combined version (original and generated).
    • folders beginning with "s" contain only the generated data.
  • Note that running the evaluations with a certain target dataset always results in a list of augmented datasets:

    • for each dataset fraction (X) a folder containing X% of sentences in their original and augmented form (e.g., "c0.01MR", for mention replacement with 1% dataset fraction).
    • for each dataset fraction (X) a folder containing X% of sentences in their augmented form (e.g. "s0.1MR", for mention replacement with 10% dataset fraction).
  • This implementation saves a considerable amount of time, because otherwise the first sentence would have to be augmented repeatedly (once for each dataset fraction).

  • If only the full combined augmented set is of interest all datasets besides the dataset starting with "c1.0" may be deleted.

  • To execute all augmentation techniques with all dataset fractions, run the following scripts:

    • .\
    • .\
    • .\
  • The generated datasets are provided on Zenodo: DOI

Model training and evaluation

  • The evaluations can be in general run as follows:

python <trainDir> <testDir> <learningRate> <batchSize> <storage>

python <trainDir> <testDir> <batchSize> <epochs>

  • The parameters are defined as follows:

    • trainDir - the path to the directory that contains the train.txt, test.txt and dev.txt files, of which the train.txt will be used for training.
    • testDir - the path to the directory that contains the train.txt, test.txt and dev.txt files, of which the test.txt will be used for evaluation.
    • batchSize- batch size of the model.
    • learningRate - learning rate of the model.
    • epochs - the maximum number of epochs trained for.
    • storage - where the embeddings are stored during training (affects performance, "gpu" is better than "cpu").
  • We used the following parameters during our evaluation:

    • python datasets/___1.0 datasets/___1.0 0.05 32 cpu
    • python datasets/___1.0 datasets/___1.0 1 10
  • Note that this should be run to generate both baseline and augmented data results.

  • The results are stored in src/flert_results.csv and src/bilstm_results.csv with, among others, evaluation metrics, used augmentation method and dataset fraction.

  • To execute all the evaluations over all resulting datasets, run the following scripts:

    • ./
    • ./
  • The evaluation results are provided on Zenodo: DOI


  author       = {Robin Erd and
                  Leila Feddoul and
                  Clara Lachenmaier and
                  Marianne Jana Mauch},
  editor       = {Mar{\'{\i}}a Navas{-}Loro and
                  Carlos Badenes{-}Olmedo and
                  Manolis Koubarakis and
                  Jos{\'{e}} Luis Redondo Garc{\'{\i}}a and
                  Sabrina Kirrane and
                  Nandana Mihindukulasooriya and
                  Ken Satoh and
                  Maribel Acosta},
  title        = {Evaluation of Data Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition in the
                  German Legal Domain},
  booktitle    = {Joint Proceedings of the 3th International Workshop on Artificial
                  Intelligence Technologies for Legal Documents {(AI4LEGAL} 2022) and
                  the 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Summarization (KGSum
                  2022) co-located with the 21st International Semantic Web Conference
                  {(ISWC} 2022), Virtual Event, Hangzhou, China, October 23-24, 2022},
  series       = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
  volume       = {3257},
  pages        = {62--72},
  publisher    = {},
  year         = {2022},
  url          = {}


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Source Code for Evaluating Data Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition over the German Legal Domain








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