Code for automated production of a fusion materials activation handbook using OpenMC.
The handbook contains the following simulated values on a wide range of elements and materials exposed to neutron irradiation.
- Simulated activity
- Atom inventory
- Dose
- Decay heat
Download the latest PDF report [here](link to latest release)
From a conda environment you can install the OpenMC
conda install -c conda-forge openmc==0.13.3
pip install openmc_depletion_plotter
pip install openmc_data
download_nndc -r b8.0
download_nndc_chain -r b8.0
At this point the png files for each figure have been created in the figs folder
This takes a report template and fills in details for the version of OpenMC used, nuclear data used in MarkDown format.
To create the report in PDF this can be made by converting the MarkDown format but we need to install Latex and Pandoc.
apt-get install -y texlive-latex-base texlive-fonts-recommended
apt-get install -y pandoc
pandoc activation_handbook.pdf