Small wrapper around the Keycloak Admin Client that simplifies some tasks.
Current Keycloak Version: 16.1.0
// Find a realm by it's name (null if not found)
Realm foundRealm = Realm.find(keycloak, "test1");
// Create a realm and enable it
Realm createdRealm = Realm.create(keycloak, "test2", true);
// Find a realm or create it in case it was not found
Realm foundOrCreatedRealm = Realm.findOrCreate(keycloak, "test3", true);
// Create and remove a realm
Realm realm4 = Realm.create(keycloak, "test4", true);
// Find a user by it's name (null if not found)
User found = User.find(realm, "one");
// Create a user with password and enable it
User created = User.create(realm, "two", "abc", true);
// Find a user or creates it in case it was not found
User foundOrCreated = User.findOrCreate(realm, "two", "abc", true);
// Join a group
// Add some realm management client roles to the user
Client realmManagementClient = Client.findOrFail(realm, "realm-management");
user.addClientRoles(realmManagementClient, "impersonation", "manage-users", "view-users");
// Find a group by it's name (null if not found)
Group found = Group.find(realm, "one");
// Create a group
Group created = Group.create(realm, "two");
// Find a group or creates it in case it was not found
Group foundOrCreated = Group.findOrCreate(realm, "two");
// Add some realm management client roles to the admin group
Group adminGroup = Group.create(realm, "admins");
Client realmManagementClient = Client.findOrFail(realm, "realm-management");
adminGroup.addClientRoles(realmManagementClient, "impersonation", "manage-users", "view-users");
// Find a client or create it with a typical Open ID connect client with client secret and redirect URI
Client clientA = Client.findOrCreateOpenIdConnectWithSecret(realm, "my-service-a", "abc", "http://localhost:8080/api");
// Find a client or create it based on a full specification
Client clientB = Client.findOrCreate(realm, "my-service-b", clientRepresentation);
// Find a client by it's name (null if not found)
Client clientC = Client.find(realm, "my-service-c");
// Find a client by it's name or fail with a runtime exception
Client clientD = Client.findOrFail(realm, "my-service-d");
// Find a role by it's name (null if not found)
RoleRepresentation one = new Roles(list).findByName("one");
// Find a role by it's name or fail with an exception if not found
RoleRepresentation unknown = new Roles(list).findByNameOrFail("unknown");
// Find multiple roles by their name and fail if any of them is not found
Roles foundRoles = new Roles(list).findByNamesOrFail("one", "two", "three");
// Return only role names as list
List<String> roleNames = new Roles(list).asNames();
// Determine which of the expected roles are missing in the current list
Roles currentRoles = new Roles(list1);
Roles expectedRoles = new Roles(list2);
Roles missingRoles = currentRoles.missing(expectedRoles);
You can add the following to your .m2/settings.xml to enable snapshots in your Maven build:
<name>Sonatype OSS Snapshot Repository</name>
(Here is also a full example of a settings.xml (Caution: It's named ".txt" because Github does not allow uploading XML files, so you have to rename it).
Another option would be to add a repository directly to your project's pom.xml:
<name>Sonatype OSS Snapshot Repository</name>