bash scripts to make your work easier.
- Clone the repository in your Workspaces directory.
$ mkdir ~/Workspaces
$ cd ~/Workspaces
$ git clone
$ ln -s ~/Workspaces/bash-util-scripts/src ~/scripts
- Add scripts directory to your $PATH
# for zsh
$ echo -n "\n\nexport PATH=$PATH:~/scripts" >> ~/.zshrc
# for bash
$ echo -n "\n\nexport PATH=$PATH:~/scripts" >> ~/.bash_profile
- Reopen your terminal and try use any script
Note: all commands have -h option for help
docker run fszostak/bash-util-scripts bash
docker run -v "$(pwd)/images:/images" fszostak/bash-util-scripts bash -c "~/scripts/img-optimize /images"
- ssh-plus - ssh connection menu from your ~/.ssh/config TODO.
- ssh-keygen-generate - generate RSA keys TODO.
- ssh-remove-known-host - remove IP from know_hosts TODO.
- backup - make fast and clean .tar.gz backup from your local source code.
- img-optimize - optimize your JPG and PNG image files.
- now - show weather, calendar and time TODO.
- npm-modules-version - read node_modules directory and extract installed packages version TODO.
- listen - show listen ports TODO.
- openssl-self-signed-certificate - generate HTTPS self signed certificate TODO.
- sync-dir - syncronize files and directories from source to destination TODO.