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some api changes according to #1970 (comment)
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matthid committed Jun 9, 2018
1 parent 436a137 commit 575330d
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 73 deletions.
141 changes: 68 additions & 73 deletions src/app/Fake.DotNet.Fsi/Fsi.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ type Profile =
override self.ToString () =
(function MsCorlib -> "mscorlib" | Netcore -> "netcore" | NetStandard -> "netstandard") self

type FsiTool =
| External of string
| Internal
| Default

type FsiParams = {

(* - INPUT FILES - *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,8 +115,18 @@ type FsiParams = {
QuotationsDebug: bool option
/// Prevents references from being locked by the F# Interactive process
ShadowCopyReferences: bool option

/// Sets the path to the fsharpi / fsi.exe to use
ToolPath : FsiTool
/// Environment variables
Environment : Map<string, string>
/// When UseShellExecute is true, the fully qualified name of the directory that contains the process to be started. When the UseShellExecute property is false, the working directory for the process to be started. The default is an empty string ("").
WorkingDirectory : string
/// Sets the current environment variables.
member x.WithEnvironment map =
{ x with Environment = map }
static member ToArgsList p =

let stringEmptyMap f s =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,8 +196,11 @@ with
|> List.filter String.isNotNullOrEmpty

static member Defaults =
static member Create() =
Environment =
WorkingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
Use = null
Load = null
Reference = null
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,24 +235,24 @@ with
ReadLine = None
QuotationsDebug = None
ShadowCopyReferences = None
ToolPath = FsiTool.Default

module internal ExternalFsi =
(* - FSI External Exe - *)
let private FSIPath = @".\tools\FSharp\;.\lib\FSharp\;[ProgramFilesX86]\Microsoft SDKs\F#\10.1\Framework\v4.0;[ProgramFilesX86]\Microsoft SDKs\F#\4.1\Framework\v4.0;[ProgramFilesX86]\Microsoft SDKs\F#\4.0\Framework\v4.0;[ProgramFilesX86]\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.1\Framework\v4.0;[ProgramFilesX86]\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.0\Framework\v4.0;[ProgramFiles]\Microsoft F#\v4.0\;[ProgramFilesX86]\Microsoft F#\v4.0\;[ProgramFiles]\FSharp-\bin\;[ProgramFilesX86]\FSharp-\bin\;[ProgramFiles]\FSharp-\bin\;[ProgramFilesX86]\FSharp-\bin\"

/// The path to the F# Interactive tool.
let private pathToFsiExe =
let internal pathToFsiExe =
let ev = Environment.environVar "FSI"
if not (String.isNullOrEmpty ev) then ev else
if Environment.isUnix then
let paths = Process.appSettings "FSIPath" FSIPath
// The standard name on *nix is "fsharpi"
match Process.tryFindFile paths "fsharpi" with
match Process.tryFindFileOnPath "fsharpi" with
| Some file -> file
| None ->
// The early F# 2.0 name on *nix was "fsi"
match Process.tryFindFile paths "fsi" with
match Process.tryFindFileOnPath "fsi" with
| Some file -> file
| None -> "fsharpi"
Expand All @@ -243,36 +262,25 @@ module internal ExternalFsi =
Process.findPath "FSIPath" FSIPath "fsi.exe"

/// Gets the default environment variables and additionally appends user defined vars to it
let private defaultEnvironmentVars environmentVars =
let private defaultEnvironmentVars =
("MSBuild", MSBuild.msBuildExe)
("GIT", Git.CommandHelper.gitPath)
("FSI", pathToFsiExe )
|> Seq.append environmentVars

/// Serializes arguments, putting script arguments after an empty "--" arg, which denotes the beginning of script arguments
let private serializeArgs script (scriptArgs: string list) (fsiParams: FsiParams) =
let stringParams = FsiParams.ToArgsList fsiParams//fsiParams.ToArgsList()
let args =
List.concat ([ stringParams; [script;"--"]; scriptArgs])
|> List.toArray
|> Arguments.OfArgs

/// Executes a user supplied Fsi.exe with the option to set args and environment variables
let execRaw parameters script scriptArgs workingDirectory fsiExe environmentVars =
let args = parameters FsiParams.Defaults |> serializeArgs script scriptArgs
let environmentVars' = defaultEnvironmentVars environmentVars
let execRaw fsiExe (parameters:FsiParams) (allArgs:string list) =
let args = allArgs |> Args.toWindowsCommandLine

use __ = Trace.traceTask "Fsi " (sprintf "%s %s with args %s" fsiExe script args)
use __ = Trace.traceTask "Fsi " (sprintf "%s with args %s" fsiExe args)

let r = Process.execWithResult (fun info ->
{ info with
{ info.WithEnvironmentVariables defaultEnvironmentVars with
FileName = fsiExe
Arguments = args
WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory
}.WithEnvironmentVariables environmentVars' ) TimeSpan.MaxValue
WorkingDirectory = ""
}.WithEnvironmentVariables (parameters.Environment |> Map.toSeq)) TimeSpan.MaxValue

if r.ExitCode <> 0 then
List.iter Trace.traceError r.Errors
Expand All @@ -281,12 +289,12 @@ module internal ExternalFsi =
(r.ExitCode, r.Messages)

/// Locates Fsi.exe and executes
let exec fsiParams script scriptArgs =
execRaw fsiParams script scriptArgs "" pathToFsiExe []
let exec fsiExe parameters (allArgs:string list) =
execRaw fsiExe parameters allArgs

module internal InternalFsi =

module internal InternalFsi =
let private doExec script allArgs =
// Intialize output and input streams
let sbOut = new StringBuilder()
Expand All @@ -296,27 +304,18 @@ module internal InternalFsi =
let errStream = new StringWriter(sbErr)

let fsiConfig = FsiEvaluationSession.GetDefaultConfiguration()
let fsiSession = FsiEvaluationSession.Create(fsiConfig, allArgs, inStream, outStream, errStream)
let fsiSession = FsiEvaluationSession.Create(fsiConfig, List.toArray allArgs, inStream, outStream, errStream)
fsiSession.EvalScriptNonThrowing script

let private serializeArgs fsiParams scriptArgs =
let scriptArgs = if List.isEmpty scriptArgs then scriptArgs else List.append ["--"] scriptArgs
let fsiArgs = FsiParams.Defaults |> fsiParams |> FsiParams.ToArgsList
List.concat ([["C:\\fsi.exe"]; fsiArgs; scriptArgs]) |> List.toArray

let private traceErrors (errors: FSharpErrorInfo []) =
errors |> Array.iter (fun e ->
match e.Severity with
| FSharpErrorSeverity.Error -> Trace.traceError e.Message
| FSharpErrorSeverity.Warning -> Trace.traceImportant e.Message)

let exec fsiParams script scriptArgs =
let allArgs = serializeArgs fsiParams scriptArgs

use __ = Trace.traceTask "Fsi " (sprintf "%s with args %A" script allArgs)
let exec script allArgs =
use __ = Trace.traceTask "Fsi " (sprintf "internal fsi with args %A" allArgs)
let result, errors = doExec script allArgs
traceErrors errors
Expand All @@ -327,48 +326,44 @@ module internal InternalFsi =
| Choice1Of2 _ -> (0,["The script completed successfully"])
| Choice2Of2 e -> (1, [e.ToString()])

let internal execRaw fsiParams script scriptArgs =
let param = FsiParams.Create() |> fsiParams

let stringParams = FsiParams.ToArgsList param//fsiParams.ToArgsList()

match param.ToolPath with
| FsiTool.External fsiPath ->
let args = List.concat ([ stringParams; [script;"--"]; scriptArgs])
ExternalFsi.exec fsiPath param args
| FsiTool.Internal ->
let args = List.concat ([ ["C:\\fsi.exe"]; stringParams; ["--"]; scriptArgs])
InternalFsi.exec script args
| FsiTool.Default ->
let args = List.concat ([ stringParams; [script;"--"]; scriptArgs])
ExternalFsi.exec ExternalFsi.pathToFsiExe param args

(* - Public Facing API - *)
/// Executes the internal fsi within FSC on the given script
/// Returns error code and an exception message if any exceptions were thrown
/// e.g: Passing some arguemnts to fsi, along with the script and some args to be passed to the script
/// ```
/// let script = "MyScript.fsx"
/// let (exitcode,msgs) = Fsi.execInternal (fun p ->
/// { p with
/// TargetProfile = Fsi.Profile.NetStandard } ) script ["stuff";"10"]
/// ```
let execInternal fsiParams script scriptArgs =
InternalFsi.exec fsiParams script scriptArgs

/// Executes a user supplied Fsi.exe with the option to set args and environment variables and
/// runs the specified script.
/// Returns error code and any messages from the process
/// e.g: Passing some arguemnts to fsi, along with the script and some args to be passed to the script
/// ```
/// ## Sample
/// e.g: Passing some arguments to fsi, along with the script and some args to be passed to the script
/// let workingDir = "path/to/WorkingDir"

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vanceism7 Jun 11, 2018


We could delete this and the next line from the since theyre hardcoded into the example now

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matthid Jun 11, 2018

Author Member

Yes makes sense! Nice catch

/// let environmentVars = [("SOME_VAR","55");("GIT","path/to/git")]
/// let fsiExe = "path/to/fsi.exe"
/// let script = "MyScript.fsx"
/// let (exitcode,msgs) = Fsi.execExternalRaw (fun p ->
/// { p with
/// TargetProfile = Fsi.Profile.NetStandard } )
/// script ["stuff";"10"] workingDir fsiExe environmentVars
/// ```
let execExternalRaw fsiParams script scriptArgs workingDirectory fsiExe environmentVars =
ExternalFsi.execRaw fsiParams script scriptArgs workingDirectory fsiExe environmentVars

/// Looks for Fsi.exe in standard install locations and executes fsi on the specified script.
/// Returns error code and any messages from the process
/// e.g: Passing some arguemnts to fsi, along with the script and some args to be passed to the script
/// ```
/// let script = "MyScript.fsx"
/// let (exitcode,msgs) = Fsi.execExternal (fun p ->
/// { p with
/// TargetProfile = Fsi.Profile.NetStandard } ) script ["stuff";"10"]
/// let (exitcode,msgs) =
/// Fsi.exec (fun p ->
/// { p with
/// TargetProfile = Fsi.Profile.NetStandard
/// WorkingDirectory = "path/to/WorkingDir"
/// ToolPath = FsiTool.External fsiExe
/// }
/// |> Process.setEnvironmentVariable "SOME_VAR" "55"
/// |> Process.setEnvironmentVariable "GIT" "path/to/git") script ["stuff";"10"]
/// ```
let execExternal fsiParams script scriptArgs =
ExternalFsi.exec fsiParams script scriptArgs
let exec fsiParams script scriptArgs =
execRaw fsiParams script scriptArgs

1 comment on commit 575330d

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@matthid - It all looks good to me

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