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retrieve mono version and ignore caching on mono 5.0.0
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matthid committed Apr 27, 2017
1 parent b3c2462 commit 3b4ac61
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Showing 2 changed files with 80 additions and 49 deletions.
104 changes: 60 additions & 44 deletions src/app/FakeLib/EnvironmentHelper.fs
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Expand Up @@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ let inline (@@) path1 path2 = combinePaths path1 path2
let inline (</>) path1 path2 = combinePathsNoTrim path1 path2

// Normalizes path for different OS
let inline normalizePath (path : string) =
let inline normalizePath (path : string) =
path.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)

/// Retrieves all environment variables from the given target
let environVars target =
[ for e in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables target ->
let environVars target =
[ for e in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables target ->
let e1 = e :?> Collections.DictionaryEntry
e1.Key, e1.Value ]

Expand All @@ -56,29 +56,29 @@ let clearProcessEnvironVar name = Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(name, null,
let setBuildParam name value = setProcessEnvironVar name value

/// Retrieves the environment variable with the given name or returns the default if no value was set
let environVarOrDefault name defaultValue =
let environVarOrDefault name defaultValue =
let var = environVar name
if String.IsNullOrEmpty var then defaultValue
else var

/// Retrieves the environment variable with the given name or fails if not found
let environVarOrFail name =
let environVarOrFail name =
let var = environVar name
if String.IsNullOrEmpty var then failwith <| sprintf "Environment variable '%s' not found" name
else var

/// Retrieves the environment variable with the given name or returns the default value if no value was set
let getEnvironmentVarAsBoolOrDefault varName defaultValue =
(environVar varName).ToUpper() = "TRUE"
(environVar varName).ToUpper() = "TRUE"
| _ -> defaultValue

/// Retrieves the environment variable with the given name or returns false if no value was set
let getEnvironmentVarAsBool varName = getEnvironmentVarAsBoolOrDefault varName false

/// Retrieves the environment variable or None if no value was set
let environVarOrNone name =
let environVarOrNone name =
let var = environVar name
if String.IsNullOrEmpty var then None
else Some var
Expand All @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ let appSetting (name : string) = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.[name]
let inline hasBuildParam name = environVar name <> null

/// Returns the value of the build parameter with the given name if it was set and otherwise the given default value
let inline getBuildParamOrDefault name defaultParam =
let inline getBuildParamOrDefault name defaultParam =
if hasBuildParam name then environVar name
else defaultParam

Expand All @@ -107,14 +107,14 @@ let inline getBuildParam name = getBuildParamOrDefault name String.Empty
let ProgramFiles = Environment.GetFolderPath Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles

/// The path of Program Files (x86)
/// It seems this covers all cases where PROCESSOR\_ARCHITECTURE may misreport and the case where the other variable
/// It seems this covers all cases where PROCESSOR\_ARCHITECTURE may misreport and the case where the other variable
/// PROCESSOR\_ARCHITEW6432 can be null
let ProgramFilesX86 =
let ProgramFilesX86 =
let wow64 = environVar "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"
let globalArch = environVar "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"
match wow64, globalArch with
| "AMD64", "AMD64"
| null, "AMD64"
| "AMD64", "AMD64"
| null, "AMD64"
| "x86", "AMD64" -> environVar "ProgramFiles(x86)"
| _ -> environVar "ProgramFiles"
|> fun detected -> if detected = null then @"C:\Program Files (x86)\" else detected
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,22 @@ let isLinux = (not isMacOS) && (int System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform |> fun
/// Todo: Detect mono on windows
let isMono = isLinux || isUnix || isMacOS

/// required sometimes to workaround mono crashes
let monoVersion =
let t = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime")
if (not (isNull t)) then
let displayNameMeth = t.GetMethod("GetDisplayName", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static)
let displayName = displayNameMeth.Invoke(null, null).ToString()
let pattern = new Regex("\d+(\.\d+)+")
let m = pattern.Match(displayName)
let version =
match System.Version.TryParse m.Value with
| true, v -> Some v
| _ -> None
Some (displayName, version)
else None

let monoPath =
if isMacOS && File.Exists "/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/mono" then
Expand All @@ -156,19 +172,19 @@ let monoPath =
let mutable monoArguments = ""

/// Modifies the ProcessStartInfo according to the platform semantics
let platformInfoAction (psi : ProcessStartInfo) =
if isMono && psi.FileName.EndsWith ".exe" then
let platformInfoAction (psi : ProcessStartInfo) =
if isMono && psi.FileName.EndsWith ".exe" then
psi.Arguments <- monoArguments + " \"" + psi.FileName + "\" " + psi.Arguments
psi.FileName <- monoPath

/// The path of the current target platform
let mutable TargetPlatformPrefix =
let (<|>) a b =
let mutable TargetPlatformPrefix =
let (<|>) a b =
match a with
| None -> b
| _ -> a
environVarOrNone "FrameworkDir32" <|> if (String.IsNullOrEmpty SystemRoot) then None
else Some(SystemRoot @@ @"Microsoft.NET\Framework")
else Some(SystemRoot @@ @"Microsoft.NET\Framework")
<|> if (isUnix) then Some "/usr/lib/mono"
else Some @"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework"
|> Option.get
Expand All @@ -179,18 +195,18 @@ let msSdkBasePath = ProgramFilesX86 @@ "Microsoft SDKs"
/// Base path for getting tools from Windows SDKs
let sdkBasePath = msSdkBasePath @@ "Windows"

/// Helper function to help find framework or sdk tools from the
/// Helper function to help find framework or sdk tools from the
/// newest toolkit available
let getNewestTool possibleToolPaths =
|> Seq.sortBy (fun p -> p)
|> Array.ofSeq
|> Array.rev
|> Seq.ofArray
let getNewestTool possibleToolPaths =
|> Seq.sortBy (fun p -> p)
|> Array.ofSeq
|> Array.rev
|> Seq.ofArray
|> Seq.head

/// Gets the local directory for the given target platform
let getTargetPlatformDir platformVersion =
let getTargetPlatformDir platformVersion =
if Directory.Exists(TargetPlatformPrefix + "64") then (TargetPlatformPrefix + "64") @@ platformVersion
else TargetPlatformPrefix @@ platformVersion

Expand All @@ -201,42 +217,42 @@ let documentsFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocu
let directorySeparator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()

/// Convert the given windows path to a path in the current system
let convertWindowsToCurrentPath (windowsPath : string) =
let convertWindowsToCurrentPath (windowsPath : string) =
if (windowsPath.Length > 2 && windowsPath.[1] = ':' && windowsPath.[2] = '\\') then windowsPath
else windowsPath.Replace(@"\", directorySeparator)

/// Contains the IO encoding which is given via build parameter "encoding" or the default encoding if no encoding was specified.
let encoding =
let encoding =
match getBuildParamOrDefault "encoding" "default" with
| "default" -> Text.Encoding.Default
| enc -> Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(enc)

/// Returns a sequence with all installed .NET framework versions
let getInstalledDotNetFrameworks() =
let getInstalledDotNetFrameworks() =
let frameworks = new ResizeArray<_>()
let matches =
Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP").GetSubKeyNames()
let matches =
Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP").GetSubKeyNames()
|> Seq.filter (fun keyname -> Regex.IsMatch(keyname, @"^v\d"))
for item in matches do
match item with
| "v4.0" -> ()
| "v4" ->
| "v4" ->
let key = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\" + item
|> Seq.iter (fun subkey ->
|> Seq.iter (fun subkey ->
let key = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\" + item + @"\" + subkey
let version = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(key).GetValue("Version").ToString()
frameworks.Add(String.Format("{0} ({1})", version, subkey)))
| "v1.1.4322" -> frameworks.Add item
| _ ->
| _ ->
let key = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\" + item
frameworks :> seq<_>
with e -> frameworks :> seq<_> //Probably a new unrecognisable version

/// A record which allows to display lots of machine specific information like machine name, processor count etc.
type MachineDetails =
type MachineDetails =
{ ProcessorCount : int
Is64bit : bool
OperatingSystem : string
Expand All @@ -247,24 +263,24 @@ type MachineDetails =
DriveInfo : seq<string> }

/// Retrieves information about the hard drives
let getDrivesInfo() =
let getDrivesInfo() =
|> (fun d -> IO.DriveInfo(d))
|> Seq.filter (fun d -> d.IsReady)
(fun d ->
sprintf "%s has %0.1fGB free of %0.1fGB" (d.Name.Replace(":\\", ""))
(Convert.ToDouble(d.TotalFreeSpace) / (1024. * 1024. * 1024.))
(fun d ->
sprintf "%s has %0.1fGB free of %0.1fGB" (d.Name.Replace(":\\", ""))
(Convert.ToDouble(d.TotalFreeSpace) / (1024. * 1024. * 1024.))
(Convert.ToDouble(d.TotalSize) / (1024. * 1024. * 1024.)))

/// Retrieves lots of machine specific information like machine name, processor count etc.
let getMachineEnvironment() =
let getMachineEnvironment() =
{ ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount
Is64bit = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem
OperatingSystem = Environment.OSVersion.ToString()
MachineName = Environment.MachineName
NETFrameworks = getInstalledDotNetFrameworks()
UserDomainName = Environment.UserDomainName
AgentVersion =
AgentVersion =
sprintf "%A" ((System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typedefof<MachineDetails>)).GetName().Version)
DriveInfo = getDrivesInfo() }
25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions src/app/FakeLib/FSIHelper.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -486,11 +486,26 @@ let private runScriptUncached (useCache, scriptPath, fsiOptions) printDetails ca
traceFAKE "%O" strFsiErrorOutput
// Cache in the error case as well.
if useCache && not cacheInfo.IsValid then
handleCaching printDetails session fsiErrorOutput cacheDir cacheInfo
with e ->
// See
traceFAKE "Error in FAKE-Caching (might be a bug in the runtime, use the no-cache option to get rid of this warning): %O" e
// See
let doCaching =
match monoVersion with
| None -> true
| Some (display, version) ->
match version with
| Some v ->
if v.Major = 5 && v.Minor = 0 && v.Build = 0 then
traceFAKE "We don't try to cache, see"
else true
| None ->
traceFAKE "Couldn't extract mono version from '%s', please report this as issue" display
if doCaching then
handleCaching printDetails session fsiErrorOutput cacheDir cacheInfo
with e ->
// See
traceFAKE "Error in FAKE-Caching (might be a bug in the runtime, use the no-cache option to get rid of this warning): %O" e

/// Run the given FAKE script with fsi.exe at the given working directory. Provides full access to Fsi options and args. Redirect output and error messages.
let internal runFAKEScriptWithFsiArgsAndRedirectMessages printDetails (FsiArgs(fsiOptions, scriptPath, scriptArgs)) env onErrMsg onOutMsg useCache =
Expand Down

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