this is a makefile and compiler setup for the atxmega series from atmel
sudo apt-get install avrdude
(this is for 64bit) extract avr8-gnu-toolchain- or (this is for 32bit) avr8-gnu-toolchain-
add files to PATH edit /etc/environment
sudo nano /etc/environment
add to PATH string (between double quotes): (for 64bit)
(for 32bit)
copy avrisp.rules to /dev/udev/rules/
sudo cp avrisp.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
add current username to /etc/group (optional, for serial debugging )
sudo nano /etc/group
#log out and in again Or Reboot
run in this folder
there after
make writeflash
for programming your device (should not give usb errors, if programmer is plugged in)