An SDK to aid interaction with the Cooperative Bank API
You can install the package via composer:
composer require frog/cooperative-bank-sdk
# COOP_API_BASE_URL= # Production
use FROG\CooperativeBankSdk\CooperativeBankSdk;
use FROG\CooperativeBankSdk\CoopUtils;
$coop_sdk = new CooperativeBankSDK();
* Generate an access token
* NB: Not necessarily used anywhere as the SDK uses it internally to send requests
$access_token = $coop_sdk->generate_access_token();
// {
// "access_token": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
// "scope": "am_application_scope default",
// "token_type": "Bearer",
// "expires_in": 3600
// }
* Check for the account balance
* The message reference is optional in the case the client has an internal unique referencing system
* The SDK implements the php random_bytes function internally to generate a unique number
* @param string $account_number the cooperative bank account number
* @param void|string $message_reference an optional message reference
// Option 1: Pass in your unique internal message reference (UUID's don't work though)
$balance = $coop_sdk->check_account_balance(
// Or you could use the utility from the package to get a unique message reference before the request is made
$balance = $coop_sdk->check_account_balance(
// Or let the sdk generate one internally and access the message reference from the response.
// All responses usually have message references
$balance = $coop_sdk->check_account_balance(
// {
// "MessageDateTime": "2021-02-26 15:18:58",
// "MessageCode": "0",
// "MessageDescription": "Success",
// "AccountNumber": "36001873000",
// "AccountName": "JOE K. DOE",
// "Currency": "USD",
// "ProductName": "CURRENT ACCOUNT",
// "ClearedBalance": "13706.07",
// "BookedBalance": "75391.31",
// "BlockedBalance": "27066.64",
// "AvailableBalance": "21962.96",
// "ArrearsAmount": "12645.56",
// "BranchName": "GIGIRI MALL",
// "BranchSortCode": "11151",
// "AverageBalance": "27339.95",
// "UnclearedBalance": "26658.48",
// "ODLimit": "17614.28",
// "CreditLimit": "23181.53"
// }
* Get the full & mini statement of an account
* @param string $account_number an account number from a cooperative bank branch
* @param string $start_date the date at which the earliest transaction is to be fetched
* @param string $end_date the date at which the latest transction is to be fetched
* @param string $message_reference a unique client generated string to be a reference when a request is sent
* The message reference is optional in the case the client has an internal unique referencing system
* The SDK implements the php random_bytes function internally to generate a unique number
$statement = $coop_sdk->get_account_full_statement(
$statement = $coop_sdk->get_account_mini_statement(
// {
// "MessageReference": "40ca18c6765086089a1",
// "MessageDateTime": "2021-02-26 10:27:16",
// "MessageCode": "0",
// "MessageDescription": "Success",
// "AccountNumber": "36001873000",
// "AccountName": "JOE K. DOE",
// "Transactions": [
// {
// "TransactionID": "50a603a3-2",
// "TransactionDate": "2021-03-07 23:52:28",
// "ValueDate": "2021-03-07 23:52:28",
// "Narration": "Electricity payment",
// "TransactionType": "D",
// "ServicePoint": "POS-P0917",
// "TransactionReference": "8be9b10d-4",
// "CreditAmount": "0.00",
// "DebitAmount": "72869.62",
// "RunningClearedBalance": "22749.45",
// "RunningBookBalance": "22749.45",
// "DebitLimit": "0.00",
// "LimitExpiryDate": "2021-03-07 00:00:00"
// },
// ...
// ]
// }
* Retrieves the transactions of the specified account
* @param string $message_reference a unique client generated string to be a reference when a request is sent
* @param string $account_number an account number from a cooperative bank branch
* @param string $no_of_transactions a number of transactions to be retrieved (1 - 500)
$transactions = $coop_sdk->get_account_transactions(
// {
// "MessageReference": "40ca18c6765086089a1",
// "MessageDateTime": "2021-02-26 15:18:04",
// "MessageCode": "0",
// "MessageDescription": "Success",
// "AccountNumber": "36001873000",
// "AccountName": "JOE K. DOE",
// "Transactions": [
// {
// "TransactionID": "fa24e510-c",
// "TransactionDate": "2021-02-28 20:28:45",
// "ValueDate": "2021-02-28 20:28:45",
// "Narration": "Cash Deposit",
// "TransactionType": "C",
// "ServicePoint": "AGENT-10001",
// "TransactionReference": "37e4a38d-9",
// "CreditAmount": "97705.30",
// "DebitAmount": "0.00",
// "RunningClearedBalance": "172774.05",
// "RunningBookBalance": "172774.05",
// "DebitLimit": "0.00",
// "LimitExpiryDate": "2021-02-27 00:00:00"
// },
// ...
// ]
// }
* Retrieves the status of the specified transaction fetched by a message id
* @param string $message_reference a unique client generated string to be a reference when a request is sent
$status = $coop_sdk->check_transaction_status("message-reference");
// {
// "messageReference": "40ca18c6765086089a1",
// "messageDateTime": "2021-02-26 15:23:32",
// "messageCode": "0",
// "messageDescription": "Full Success",
// "source": {
// "accountNumber": "36001873000",
// "amount": "777",
// "transactionCurrency": "KES",
// "narration": "Supplier Payment",
// "responseCode": "0",
// "responseDescription": "Success"
// },
// "destination": {
// "referenceNumber": "40ca18c6765086089a1_1",
// "accountNumber": "54321987654321",
// "amount": "777",
// "transactionCurrency": "KES",
// "narration": "Electricity Payment",
// "transactionID": "cfea0f9d-c",
// "responseCode": "0",
// "responseDescription": "Success"
// }
// }
* Retrieves the validity of the specified account
* @param string $account_number an account number from a cooperative bank branch
* @param string $message_reference a unique client generated string to be a reference when a request is sent
$status = $coop_sdk->validate_account("account-number", "message-reference");
// {
// "MessageReference": "BTVd6xr7vEX97hWgNqM",
// "MessageDateTime": "2021-02-26 16:36:39",
// "MessageCode": "0",
// "MessageDescription": "VALID ACCOUNT NUMBER"
// }
* Retrieves the exhange rate for the day for a specific account
* @param string $from_currency a valid international currency
* @param string $to_currency a valid international currency
* @param string $message_reference a unique client generated string to be a reference when a request is sent
$rate = $coop_sdk->exchange_rate("from-currency", "to-currency", "message-reference");
// {
// "MessageReference": "40ca18c6765086089a1",
// "MessageDateTime": "2021-02-26 20:31:31",
// "MessageCode": "0",
// "MessageDescription": "Success",
// "FromCurrencyCode": "KES",
// "ToCurrencyCode": "USD",
// "RateType": "SPOT",
// "Rate": "104.35",
// "Tolerance": "6",
// "MultiplyDivide": "D"
// }
: The primary development machine is windows, ensure to change the path in the composer.json script section to conform to the operating system
Tests are powered by PestPHP
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT. Please see License File for more information.
This package was generated using the PHP Package Boilerplate.