Library with synchronous and asynchronous api for working with localStorage, sessionStorage or any custom storage
Full documentation can be found here
This library need support for Promises and Proxy objects in global environment. Compatibility with browsers can be found here:
yarn add @friends-of-js/web-storage
# or
npm install @friends-of-js/web-storage --save
<script src=""></script>
const storage = new webStorage.WebStorage(localStorage)
import { WebStorage } from '@friends-of-js/web-storage'
const storage = new WebStorage(sessionStorage)
There are 2 versions of package:
- ES5 version (default)
- ESNEXT version
if you want use esnext version, you should add this lines to your webpack config:
resolve: {
alias: {
'@friends-of-js/web-storage': '@friends-of-js/web-storage/lib/module/esnext/index.js'
import { WebStorage } from '@friends-of-js/web-storage'
// or
const WebStorage = require('@friends-of-js/web-storage').WebStorage
Create instance for work with localStorage:
const storage = new WebStorage(localStorage)
Create instance for work with sessionStorage. All data would be deleted when window closed.
const storage = new WebStorage(sessionStorage)
Instance for working with MemoryStorage. All data would be deleted when window closed.
import {WebStorage, MemoryStorage } from '@friends-of-js/web-storage'
const storage = new WebStorage(new MemoryStorage())
WebStorage can be initialized with any object that implements Storage interface:
interface Storage {
readonly length: number;
clear(): void;
getItem(key: string): string | null;
key(index: number): string | null;
removeItem(key: string): void;
setItem(key: string, data: string): void;
[key: string]: any;
[index: number]: string;
When your create WebStorage instance, as second parameter your can pass namespace, and then you will work only with data in given namespace
const storage = new WebStorage(localStorage, 'my-namespace')
import { WebStorage } from '@friends-of-js/web-storage'
const storage = new WebStorage(localStorage)
// Determine if storage have namespace.
// Get storage namespace.
// If storage have not namespace, null would be returned
// Get number of elements in storage.
// If storage have namespace, only length of items with this namespace would be return.
// If storage have not namespace, only number of items without namespace would be returned,
// not all items in localStorage
import { WebStorage } from '@friends-of-js/web-storage'
const storage = new WebStorage(localStorage)
// Get item by key
// If no item with given key exists, 'default' would be returned
storage.get('anotherkey', 'default')
// Get key name by it`s index.
// The order of keys is user-agent defined, so you should not rely on it.
// Return Promise with array of storage keys.
// The order of keys is user-agent defined, so you should not rely on it.
// Determine if item with given key exists in storage
// Set item to storage. Item would be converted to json automatically and then saved
storage.set('yourkey', {key: 'value'})
// Delete item from storage
// Clear storage. If storage has namespace only keys with this namespace would be removed.
// If storage hasn`t namespace only keys without namespace would be removed
// Your can asynchronous iterate over storage
for await (const [value, key] of storage) {
// do something with key and value
// If your need only value for iteration:
for await (const [value] of storage) {
// do something with value
// If your need only keys for iteration:
for await (const [, key] of storage) {
// do something with key
// For asynchronous iteration you should provide a polyfill
// for Symbol.asyncIterator like this:
if (!('asyncIterator' in Symbol)) {
Object.defineProperty(Symbol, 'asyncIterator', {
get () {
return Symbol.for('Symbol.asyncIterator')
import { WebStorage } from '@friends-of-js/web-storage'
const storage = new WebStorage(localStorage)
// Your can use namespace, it would be added to keys automatically
const storage = new WebStorage(localStorage, 'namespace')
// Set item to storage
storage.yourkey = { objectKey: 'value' } // or
storage['yourkey'] = { objectKey: 'value' }
// Get item from storage
const value = storage.yourkey // or
const value = storage['yourkey']
// Check if item exists in storage
const exists = 'yourkey' in storage
// Delete item from storage
delete storage.yourkey // or
delete storage['yourkey']
// Get keys from storage. Return array of keys
const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(storage)
// Your can synchronous iterate over storage
for (const [value, key] of storage) {
// do something with key and value
// If your need only value for iteration:
for (const [value] of storage) {
// do something with value
// If your need only keys for iteration:
for (const [, key] of storage) {
// do something with key