- Settings
- Combined Settings Register
- Unit math and underscore unit technique
- Visualisation in terminal
- Check if function exists
- boost::signals2
- Sensor setting: rad or deg
- transform
- "The solution you look for only performs one memory allocation in total for the string"
- explicit - [ ] Ingen auto conversion
- Reguleringsloop skal smide exception, hvis det er for langsom ift. hvor ofte vi vil køre det. Inpireret af Exception opg 3.1.
- [ ]
Lektion ?
- lambda
- functor
- Rules of 3/5
- Exceptions
- smartPointer
- Sikre oprydning / memory leaks
- Boost::mpl
- IfThenElse
- .
Lektion 4 - [ ] Containers, algorithms and iterators
- Algorithms
- why? : don't repeat mistakes, dont reinvent the wheel.
- sort, min, max ...
- std::for_each
- std::transform
- std::ostream_iterator
- std::cin
- std::clamp
- std::accumulate
- lambda
- std::copy
- std::ostream_iterator
- std::vector
- back_inserter
- push_back
- boost::bind
- Wrapper
- std::function
- Functor
- Algorithms
Lektion 5 - [ ] boost intro with selected libs
- boost::variant (Multiple types in same var)
- boost::static_visitor ( Checking what type is current?)
- boost::signals2
- std::function
- std::bind
- std::SharedPointer
- timer?
- [ ]
Lektion 6 - [ ] Exceptions
- Safety guarantees
- Basic
- Strong
- No throw
- Safety guarantees
Lektion 7 - [ ] C++11++
- prvalue, lvalue, xvalue | <T&&> argument
- compile time if
- literals / units
- Variadic
- Moving concept
- Threading
- Dimensional anlysis done in C++
- Perfekt forwarding
- noexcept keyword (Moving)
- && -> denote rvalue -> move
- std::move
- [ ]