This is the auto-complete companion for Emacs’ Godot GDScript major mode. Auto-completion provides completion for variables, functions, node paths, and input actions using Company-mode. To use it, however, you need to compile Godot from the source code with gd-autocomplete-service support, and have Curl installed and exported to the system’s path. Check Auto-Completion for more information. Currently, it was only tested in Linux.
To add this Company back-end to your Emacs configuration, please see Setting-Up in Emacs.
If you use Yasnippet, check Yasnippet for Godot GDScript.
NOTE: At this moment, auto-completion requires Curl (installed and exported to the system’s path) and was only tested in Linux.
Auto completion requires company-mode for Emacs and gd-autocomplete-service.
Therefore, in order to use auto-completion, it is necessary to compile Godot
from source code, enabling the gd-autocomplete-service
. To learn how to use
custom modules in Godot, check Godot Engine - Custom modules in C++.
To enable auto-completion, first require Company and the Godot-GDScript back-end:
(require 'company)
(require 'company-godot-gdscript)
To add the back-end globally to Company, you may use:
(eval-after-load "company"
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-godot-gdscript)))
To enable the completion in a buffer, enable Company: M-x company-mode
Afterwards, you may request a completion with M-x company-complete
Should you want to enable completion when the buffer is loaded, you may use:
(add-hook 'godot-gdscript-mode-hook 'company-mode)
Or a custom function, such as:
(add-hook 'godot-gdscript-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(make-local-variable 'company-backends)
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-godot-gdscript)
(setq-local company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
(setq-local company-async-timeout 10)
(setq-local company-idle-delay 0.3)
(local-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'company-complete)))
To customize local variables according to your own preferences.
Company allows searching the candidates list by pressing C-s
and typing. You
may also use C-M-s
to filter candidates whilst searching.
- Set
to ease debugging and exporting Org as comments.- See “Jumping between code and Org” in Extracting source code - The Org Manual.
:header-args: :tangle godot-gdscript-mode.el
:header-args: :padline yes
:header-args: :comments both
- For version control, however, it is more interesting to disable comments, as it leaves the comments out of the tangled code.
:header-args: :tangle godot-gdscript-mode.el
:header-args: :padline yes
:header-args: :comments no
;;; company-godot-gdscript.el --- Company back-end for Godot GDScript completion
;; Copyright (C) 2016--2017 Franco Eusébio Garcia
Possible keywords are described in the variable finder-known-keywords
;; Author: Franco Eusébio Garcia <[email protected]>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Keywords: abbrev convenience matching
GNU General Public License version 3.
;;; License:
;; This file not shipped as part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This is a Company back-end to add auto-completion to Godot-GDScript mode.
;; Package-Requires: ((company "0.9.0"))
(defgroup company-godot-gdscript nil
"Company back-end for Godot Engine GDScript Language completion."
;;:group 'programming
:group 'godot-gdscript
:version "24.3"
:link '(emacs-commentary-link "godot-gdscript"))
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'company)
(require 'json)
(defcustom company-godot-gdscript-curl-path "curl"
"Path to curl executable, used to send HTTP requests to GD Autocomplete Service."
:group 'godot-gdscript
:type 'string
:safe 'stringp)
- Request:
- Path: absolute path of the file;
- Text: the current script content;
- Cursor: cursor position in the text;
- Meta: ignored by the service — returned in the response.
- Response:
- Path: absolute path of the file;
- Cursor: cursor position;
- Meta: same as the request;
- Hint: hint with information regarding the function return type and parameters;
- Suggestions: list of completions;
- Prefix: prefix string to be replaced with the user’s chosen suggestion.
(defun company-godot-gdscript-find-project-configuration (&optional path)
"Return the path where Godot's configuration File (\"Engine.cfg\") is stored.
If PATH is given, starts searching by it. Otherwise, the search
starts by the current buffer path."
;; TODO: Handle error when project file does not exist.
(let ((base-path (or path default-directory)))
(locate-dominating-file base-path
(lambda (parent)
(directory-files parent t "engine.cfg")))))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-project-configuration-md5 (&optional path)
"Return the value of the MD5 check-sum of the project's configuration path.
If PATH is given, it is used as the leaf directory to search for
the configuration file. Otherwise, the search starts by the
current buffer's directory."
;; TODO: Handle error when project file does not exist.
(md5 (directory-file-name
(company-godot-gdscript-find-project-configuration path)))))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-find-autocomplete-server-port (project-md5)
"Find the server port of the GD Auto-Complete service by its MD5 value, given by PROJECT-MD5."
(let ((auto-complete-server-file "~/.godot/.autocomplete-servers.json"))
(insert-file-contents auto-complete-server-file)
(let* (
(json-object-type 'plist)
(json-key-type 'string)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-content-list nil)
(json-content-list (json-read-from-string
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
(lax-plist-get json-content-list project-md5)
(defun company-godot-gdscript-build-json-request-at-point ()
"Gather the required data to create a JSON completion request.
Gather the required data to send to GD Auto-Complete Service, and
pack them all into a JSON string.
The current line and column of the cursor are used as the point
on which to ask for completion."
(let (;;(file-path buffer-file-name)
(file-path (concat
buffer-file-name) (company-godot-gdscript-find-project-configuration))))
(buffer-content (current-buffer))
;; TODO: Account for narrowing.
(cursor-line (1- (line-number-at-pos)))
(cursor-column (current-column))
(meta-content "Request sent from Emacs Godot GDScript mode."))
(with-current-buffer buffer-content
(json-encode `(
:path ,file-path
:text ,(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))
:cursor (:row ,cursor-line :column ,cursor-column)
:meta ,meta-content)))))
;; TODO Could use a variable/toggle instead (same for debug version).
(defun company-godot-gdscript-build-json-request-at-point-verbose ()
"Gather the required data to create a JSON completion request (verbose).
Gather the required data to send to GD Auto-Complete Service, and
pack them all into a JSON string.
The current line and column of the cursor are used as the point
on which to ask for completion."
(let (;;(file-path buffer-file-name)
(file-path (concat
buffer-file-name) (company-godot-gdscript-find-project-configuration))))
(buffer-content (current-buffer))
;; TODO: Account for narrowing.
(cursor-line (1- (line-number-at-pos)))
(cursor-column (current-column))
(meta-content "Request sent from Emacs Godot GDScript mode."))
(message "file: %s\nbuffer: %s\nline: %s\tcolumn: %s"
file-path buffer-content cursor-line cursor-column)
(with-current-buffer buffer-content
(json-encode `(
:path ,file-path
:text ,(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))
:cursor (:row ,cursor-line :column ,cursor-column)
:meta ,meta-content))))))
;; TODO Could use a variable/toggle instead (same for verbose).
(defun company-godot-gdscript-build-json-request-at-point-debug-version ()
"Gather the required data to create a JSON completion request (debug version).
Gather the required data to send to GD Auto-Complete Service, and
pack them all into a JSON string.
The current line and column of the cursor are used as the point
on which to ask for completion."
(let ((file-path "res://")
;; "extends Node
;; func _ready():
;; get_node("
"extends Node
func _ready():
;; (cursor-line 2)
;; (cursor-column 13)
(cursor-line 2)
(cursor-column 14)
(meta-content "Request sent from Emacs Godot GDScript mode."))
(json-encode `(:path ,file-path
:text ,buffer-content
:cursor (:row ,cursor-line :column ,cursor-column)
;; Include source code here, as it is returned in
;; response.
:meta ,buffer-content))))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-build-curl-command (url port json-request)
"Build the shell command to invocate Curl. URL and PORT specify the socket address, and JSON-REQUEST is a string containing the data for requesting completion to GD Auto-Complete Service."
;;(let ((data (concat "--data \"" (company-godot-gdscript-escape-gdscript-symbols json-request) "\""))
(let ((data (concat "--data-raw \"" (company-godot-gdscript-escape-gdscript-symbols json-request) "\""))
(header-accept "--header 'Accept: application/json'")
(header-connection "--header 'Connection: keep-alive'")
(header-content-type "--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'")
(http-version "--http1.1")
(http-request (concat "--request POST " url ":" port)))
(concat company-godot-gdscript-curl-path " "
data " "
header-accept " "
header-connection " "
header-content-type " "
http-version " "
(defun company-godot-gdscript-escape-gdscript-symbols (source)
"Escape symbols existing in SOURCE, in order to correcty pass string containing shell to shells."
;; `json-enconde-string' escapes the string's literal quotes as well, so we
;; remove them using substring to remove the first and last 2 characters
;; (which contains '\"' on both extremes).
(substring (json-encode-string source) 1 -1))
;; Adapted from: <>
(defun company-godot-gdscript-async-shell-command (command buffer-name &optional callback)
"Execute shell command COMMAND asynchronously in the background.
Return the temporary output buffer (named BUFFER-NAME), which
command is writing to during execution.
If CALLBACK is supplied, it is called with the return value of
COMMAND passed as a string.
When the command is finished, call CALLBACK with the resulting
output as a string.
\"echo hello\" \"Hello World\" (lambda (s) (message \"RETURNED (%s)\" s)))"
(lexical-let ((output-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name))
(callback-function callback))
"Godot-GDScript Autocomplete"
;; Command line arguments for the subprocess.
(lambda (process signal)
;; TODO: Handle failure.
(when (memq (process-status process) '(exit signal))
(if callback-function
(with-current-buffer output-buffer
(let ((output-string
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
(funcall callback-function output-string))))
(kill-buffer output-buffer))))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-process-request-completion-at-point (callback)
"Build and send the request for completion at the current point in buffer.
The request returns a JSON file containing the hint, suggestions,
and prefix offered by GD Auto-Complete Service, if any. The JSON
filled should be handled by the supplied CALLBACK function."
(company-godot-gdscript-build-curl-command "http://localhost"
(company-godot-gdscript-project-configuration-md5 default-directory))
"*Godot-GDScript GD-AutoComplete Service*"
(defun company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-hint-from-json (completion-json)
"Extract and return a string containing the hint field of the received in COMPLETION-JSON."
(let* ((json-object-type 'plist)
(completion-data (json-read-from-string completion-json))
(completion-hint (plist-get completion-data :hint)))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-prefix-from-json (completion-json)
"Extract and return the string containg prefix field of the received in COMPLETION-JSON."
(let* ((json-object-type 'plist)
(completion-data (json-read-from-string completion-json))
(completion-prefix (plist-get completion-data :prefix)))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-suggestions-from-json (completion-json)
"Extract and return a list containing the existing completion candidates received in COMPLETION-JSON."
(let* ((json-object-type 'plist)
(completion-data (json-read-from-string completion-json))
(completion-suggestions (cl-coerce (plist-get completion-data :suggestions) 'list)))
(company-godot-gdscript-find-project-configuration "/home/franco/tmp/godot/emacs/")
(company-godot-gdscript-project-configuration-md5 "/home/franco/tmp/godot/emacs/")
(company-godot-gdscript-project-configuration-md5 "/home/franco/tmp/godot/emacs/"))
;; (let ((curl-command "curl --data '{\"path\": \"/home/franco/tmp/godot/emacs/\", \"text\": \"extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n\tprint(\\\"Hello, world!\\\")\n\tget\", \"cursor\": {\"row\": 3, \"column\": 4}, \"meta\": \"Ignored by the service. Returned in the response.\"}' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Connection: keep-alive' --header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --http1.1 --request POST http://localhost:6071"))
;; (company-godot-gdscript-async-shell-command
;; curl-command
;; "*Godot-GDScript GD-AutoComplete Service*"
;; (lambda (result) (message "Command returned: %s.\n" result))
;; ))
"extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, world!\n\")\n get")
"extends Node
func _ready():
print(\"Hello, world!\n\")
(company-godot-gdscript-build-curl-command "http://localhost"
(company-godot-gdscript-project-configuration-md5 "/home/franco/tmp/godot/emacs/"))
;; Complete version.
(company-godot-gdscript-build-curl-command "http://localhost"
(company-godot-gdscript-project-configuration-md5 "/home/franco/tmp/godot/emacs/"))
"*Godot-GDScript GD-AutoComplete Service*"
(lambda (result) (message "Command returned: %s.\n" result)))
;; Debug version (of the complete version): uses fake file, line, column.
(company-godot-gdscript-build-curl-command "http://localhost"
(company-godot-gdscript-project-configuration-md5 "/home/franco/tmp/godot/emacs/"))
"*Godot-GDScript GD-AutoComplete Service*"
(lambda (result)
(message "Command returned: %s %s %s %s.\n" ;; Change to %S %S %S to see raw data.
(company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-hint-from-json result)
(company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-prefix-from-json result)
(company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-suggestions-from-json result)
;; Function with complete version.
(lambda (result)
(message "Command returned: %s %s %s.\n" ;; Change to %S %S %S to see raw data.
(company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-hint-from-json result)
(company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-prefix-from-json result)
(company-godot-gdscript-mode-extract-completion-suggestions-from-json result)
# (local-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'company-complete)
# (setq company-async-timeout 10)
# (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-godot-gdscript)
# (company-mode)
extends Node
func _ready():
print("Hello, world!")
Testing Company mode: use M-x company-mode
to enable the minor mode. Then, in
the GDScript buffer, either run M-x company-godot-gdscript
after a symbol to
complete, or evaluate:
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-godot-gdscript)
Then use M-x company-complete
(defun company-godot-gdscript-grab-symbol-before-quotes ()
"Return the symbol before opening quotes, to search for path completions (such as node paths for the scene tree) inside Godot."
;; (company-grab-line "get_node(\\\"")
;; (company-grab-symbol)
;; Send an opening quote to search for candidates.
(concat "\"" (company-grab-symbol))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-prefix ()
"Handle Company's prefix command case.
Only complete symbols when the current major mode is
For strings, it allows completion of code using this back-end and
any other Company back-ends.
For GDScript, if there is no symbol, it aborts the completion."
(when (eq major-mode 'godot-gdscript-mode)
(if (not (company-in-string-or-comment))
;; Handle source code.
(or (company-grab-symbol) 'stop)
;; Handle strings, as they might be a call such as get_node(). Also allow
;; other back-ends to complete the string or comment.
(or (company-godot-gdscript-grab-symbol-before-quotes) 'nil))))
(defun company-godot-gdscript-candidates (callback)
"Look for possible completion candidates for completion at point, then update Company list of candidates by calling CALLBACK."
(lexical-let ((callback-function callback))
(lambda (result)
(funcall callback-function
(defun company-godot-gdscript-post-completion ()
"Tweak the results of the completions."
;; Remove two double quotes in a row, if exists.
(if (search-forward-regexp "\"\"" nil t)
(replace-match "\"" t nil))))
(defun company-godot-gdscript (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
"Godot-GDScript backend for function `company-mode'.
See `company-backends' for more information regarding COMMAND and
ARG. IGNORED is not used."
(interactive (list 'interactive))
(cl-case command
(interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-godot-gdscript))
(prefix (company-godot-gdscript-prefix))
(candidates (cons :async
(lambda (company-async-callback)
(post-completion (company-godot-gdscript-post-completion))
(sorted t)))
(provide 'company-godot-gdscript)
;; Local Variables:
;; coding: utf-8
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; company-godot-gdscript.el ends here