Node version >= 6.0.0
I recommend using yarn as package manager
(you can use npm instead anyway. To the following doc use npm run instad of yarn)
Go to /client
To run the client
yarn start
To build the client to production
yarn build
To run the client with mocked backend
yarn start:mocked
To run eslint to check code style
yarn lint
Go to /server
- To run the server
yarn start
- To build the server (it transpiled by babel)
yarn build
- Add unit tests
- Add eslint tool (DONE)
- Add mock api for dev enviroment in case the server is down (DONE)
- Add configuration urls handling for more enviroments (DONE)
- Server side rendering to improve results rendering (it has a good performance anyway) (Wont do)
- Clean unneded dependencies from package.json (DONE)
- Test on IE (Wont do, I need to install the VM :P)
- Test on Firefox (DONE)
- Improve some code stuff (missing index.js files in reducers and actions, actions hardcoded and there are no constants) (DONE)
- Is sagas really required? For the moment no, perhaps in a bigger app (DONE thunk is a better approach)
- Handle error response with axios (DONE)
- Add react proptypes and default props (I coded fast and I leave them to the end) (DONE)