Repository for the Networking2 project
Link presentazione :
In this project of Softwarize & Virtualized Networks, we will face some use cases of slicing. In particular we will face: 2 examples of events that could destabilize the network and how we can garantee a solid QoS, 1 example of network slicing based on the protocol type (UDP, TCP and ICMP) and 1 more example of communication between two areas of the network. All these examples are built over the same network topology (following image) and can be managed by a dedicated GUI.
The default scenario consists of 7 switches and 12 hosts, 8 of the latter communicate with each other in pairs, through 4 different slices, while the packets sent by the 4 hosts are dropped as soon as they are forwarded. The connection bandwidth is mantained at 100 Mbps
In this scenario, we simulate the break of switch 5 and how the network should react to that in order to mantain the QoS. In partcular the traffic is forwarded between switch 3 and 4, with a consequent reduction of the bandwidth to 50 Mbps for the host that pass through switch 3
In this scenario, 4 hosts which comunicate in pairs are added to the network, their traffic is forwarded beetween switch 3 and 4; since the new hosts take 30 Mbps the bandwidth of the other host connected to switch 1 and 6 is reduced to 70 Mbps
In this scenario, there are four possible slices that can be activated simultaneously:
- slice1 → enables UDP communications between h1,h2,h3,h4
- slice2 → enables UDP communications between h5,h6,h7,h8
- slice3 → enables TCP & ICMP communications between h1,h2,h3,h4
- slice4 → enables TCP & ICMP communications between h5,h6,h7,h8
Testing UDP connection:
h1 iperf -s -u &
h2 iperf -c -u -t 5 -i 1
Testing TCP connection:
h3 iperf -s &
h4 iperf -c -t 5 -i 1
In this scenario we allow many hosts to communicate through the same queues (h1-h3-h6-h8 and h2-h4-h5-h7); switch 3 and 5 are not used
- Go inside
- Clone this repository
git clone ...
- If you're using multipass or some other VM without graphics interface you need to install a grapichal interface followint this guide:
- make sure to have all the Python3 enviroment installed on your VM
- run in the terminal
pip install customtkinter
- run in the terminal
pip install Pillow
- run in the terminal
sudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
- Open a comnetsemu portale or similar
- Open the project folder and go into "scripts"
- Check that the files .sh have the permissions to run, otherwise run this command on all bash files:
chmod +x
- Run the controller:
- Run the topology in another terminal:
sudo python3
- Use the GUI to interact with the simulated network and change scenario
- Stop the Ryu controller
- Stop mininet and clean the environment
mininet> exit
$ sudo mn -c