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4. SuperCloud

Nhan Huynh edited this page Nov 8, 2024 · 50 revisions



IMPORTANT: There's a monthly downtime on the second Tuesday of each month.

Requesting an account for SuperCloud

Please refer to the documentation for detailed instructions:

  1. Complete the following online courses:
  2. Complete and submit the Account Request Form.
    • Refer to the template on GitHub in /imaging-resources/4_supercloud/account_request_form.txt
  3. Email Ernest and ask him to email [email protected] verifying that you need a SuperCloud account.
    • This was recently added back as a requirement.
  4. While waiting for your account to be approved, complete the Practical HPC online course.
  5. Once approved, you will receive an email with your username and further instructions to set up your account.

Storage on SuperCloud

We have a group directory located in /home/gridsan/groups/Fraenkel.

  • There's 50TB of storage. Please use good practices for storing files in the group directory.
  • Please create a user folder and store your files there.
    • I.e. /home/gridsan/groups/Fraenkel/<YOUR_NAME>.
  • If you don't have access after your account is approved, please request access by emailing [email protected] and cc'ing an owner (e.g. Nhan).

You have a personal directory located in /home/gridsan/<USER_NAME>.

  • There's 10TB of storage in your personal directory.

Generate SSH key for authentication on SuperCloud

Note: This has to be done for connecting to SuperCloud and transferring files from both the NAS and your personal computer.

Also, this only has to be done once.

  1. Open the "Terminal".
  2. Run the command: ssh-keygen -t rsa
  3. For the prompt Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user1234/.ssh/id_rsa):
    • On the imaging computer, enter /home/imaging/.ssh/id_rsa_<YOUR_NAME>.
    • On your personal computer, press enter to keep the default name (i.e. id_rsa).
  4. For the prompt Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    • Enter a passphrase if you want extra security and want to enter a password every time you log in.
    • Hit "return" twice to not require a password.
  5. From your "home" directory, run the command: cd .ssh.
  6. Run the command: cat <RSA_NAME>.pub.
    • On the imaging computer, replace <RSA_NAME> with id_rsa_<YOUR_NAME>.
    • On your personal computer, replace <RSA_NAME> with id_rsa.
  7. Copy the entire output, including the ssh-rsa at the beginning.
  8. Go to
  9. Log in with "MIT Touchstone / InCommon".
  10. Click on "sshkeys".
  11. Paste the copied output from above in the box at the bottom of the page.
  12. Click "Update Keys".

Connect to SuperCloud from personal computer

  1. Open the "Terminal".
  2. SSH into SuperCloud.
    • ssh <USER_NAME>
    • Replace <USER_NAME> with your username.

Transfer files to SuperCloud from the NAS

  1. Open the "Terminal".
  2. Connect to imaging computer.
  3. Run the command: rsync -avz -e "ssh -i /home/imaging/.ssh/id_rsa_<YOUR_NAME>" <PATH_TO_NAS_FOLDER> <USER_NAME><PATH_TO_SUPERCLOUD_FOLDER>.
    • Replace <YOUR_NAME> with your name.
    • Replace <USER_NAME> with your username for SuperCloud.
    • Replace <PATH_TO_NAS_FOLDER> with the path of the folder/file you want to transfer (e.g. /mnt/imagestore/Nhan/image_folder).
    • Replace <PATH_TO_SUPERCLOUD_FOLDER> with the destination path on SuperCloud (e.g. /home/gridsan/groups/Fraenkel/Nhan/image_folder).

Transfer files to SuperCloud from personal computer

(Recommended) Using "rsync"

  1. Open the "Terminal".
    • Replace <USER_NAME> with your username for SuperCloud.
    • Replace <PATH_TO_LOCAL_FOLDER> with the path of the folder/file you want to transfer (e.g. /Users/nhanhuynh/image_folder).
    • Replace <PATH_TO_SUPERCLOUD_FOLDER> with the destination path on SuperCloud (e.g. /home/gridsan/groups/Fraenkel/Nhan/image_folder).

(MacOS) Using "Cyberduck"

Note: For Windows, another FTP client could be used (e.g. Filezilla).

  1. Download and install the "Cyberduck" app:
  2. Click and open "Cyberduck".
  3. At the top, click "Open Connection".
  4. For the prompt box:
    • In the dropdown, select "SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)".
    • For "Server", enter
    • For "Username", enter your username for SuperCloud.
    • Leave "Password" empty.
    • For "SSH Private Key", select "~/.ssh/id_rsa".
Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 10 49 21 PM
  1. Click "Connect".
  2. SuperCloud is connected and you can drag files into "Cyberduck" to transfer them to SuperCloud.
Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 10 50 25 PM

Software packages on SuperCloud

To get detailed instructions, please refer to:

Most popular software packages are installed in modules on SuperCloud. To see the list of modules, run the command:

  • modules avail

To see the packages installed in a module, go to and list the contents in the path:

  • /state/partition1/llgrid/pkg/anaconda/<MODULE_NAME>/bin
  • Replace <MODULE_NAME> with the module name.

A good module to use is anaconda3-2023a.

Installing packages

If a package is not installed, you can install it by:

  1. Loading an Anaconda module:
    • module load anaconda/2023a
  2. Create a temporary directory for installing the package.
    • mkdir /state/partition1/user/$USER
    • export TMPDIR=/state/partition1/user/$USER
  3. Install the package:
    • pip install --user --no-cache-dir <PACKAGE_NAME>
    • Replace <PACKAGE_NAME> with the package name.

Basic set of packages

To install a basic set of packages for running the examples provided in this GitHub:

  1. Download /imaging-resources/4_supercloud/requirements.txt from the GitHub.
    • wget
  2. Create a temporary directory for installing the requirements file.
    • mkdir /state/partition1/user/$USER
    • export TMPDIR=/state/partition1/user/$USER
  3. Install the requirements file:
    • pip install --user --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

Jupyter notebook on SuperCloud

To start a Jupyter notebook server on SuperCloud and access it from your personal computer:

  1. Go to the SuperCloud portal:
  2. Login with "MIT Touchstone / InCommon Federation".
  3. Click "/jupyter/".
  4. Click "Launch Notebook".
    • If you need additional configurations (e.g. GPU), click "Show Advanced Launch Options".

Interactive jobs on SuperCloud

To quickly test scripts on a compute node, you can start an interactive job:

  1. In the "Terminal", run the command:
    • LLsub -i
    • To request a GPU, run the following: LLsub -i -s 20 -g volta:1

Note: Compute nodes don't have network access, so packages need to be installed on a login node.

SLURM jobs on SuperCloud

To submit jobs to run scripts on the high-performance compute nodes:

  1. Create a shell script with the commands for running your script.
    • At the top, include #!/bin/bash.
    • To request a GPU, include #SBATCH --gres=gpu:volta:1.
    • Load the required modules (e.g. module load anaconda/2023a).
    • Run your script (e.g. python
    • Refer to /imaging-resources/4_supercloud/ on the GitHub.
  2. Submit your job:
    • sbatch
  3. To check the status of your job:
    • squeue
  4. To cancel your job:
    • scancel <JOB_ID>
    • Replace <JOB_ID> with the job ID from squeue.

Analysis on SuperCloud


(under construction)

Deep Learning

(under construction)