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Vm template development

Carolina Fernández edited this page Apr 23, 2014 · 8 revisions

This guide considers that the code of Expedient, VT AM and Agent was already modified accordingly. In order to integrate a new VM template with OFELIA LDAP and address schema, these are the steps to follow:

In Expedient (vt_plugin)

  • In src/python/plugins/vt_plugin/controller/VMcontroller/ add the new VM case:

       if instance.disc_image == 'IMAGE_NAME':
            instance.operatingSystemType = 'GNU/Linux'
            instance.operatingSystemVersion = '7.0'
            instance.operatingSystemDistribution = 'Debian'
            instance.hdOriginPath = "PATH_TO_TAMPLATE_IMAGE"
            instance.virtualization_setup_type = "hvm"
  • In ./src/python/plugins/vt_plugin/models/ Change de following definitions accordingly

DISC_IMAGE_CHOICES = ( ('default','Default'), ('spirent','Spirent'), ('irati','IRATI'), ) HD_SETUP_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ('file-image','File Image'), #('logical-volume-image','Logical Volume'), ('full-file-image','File Image with Partitions'), ) VIRTUALIZATION_SETUP_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ('paravirtualization','Paravirtualization'), ('hvm','HVM'), ) ```

  • In ./views/templates/default/vt_plugin_aggregate_add_virtualmachines.html: If you need to restrict the available options for the new vm add a case for it:

                        } else if ($("#id_disc_image").val() == "irati") {

In VT Manager

  • In ./src/python/vt_manager/models/ Add the configurator if an specific one is needed:

IMAGE_CONFIGURATORS = { 'default/default.tar.gz':'', 'irati/irati.img':'IratiDebianVMConfigurator', 'spirent/spirentSTCVM.img':'SpirentCentOSVMConfigurator', } ```


  • In /src/python/agent/xen/provisioning/hdmanagers/ Develope or modify a new HD Manager (/src/python/agent/xen/provisioning/hdmanagers/) and/or VM configurator and Xen config template file (/src/python/agent/xen/provisioning/configurators/)

  • Update the VMConfigurator file (xen/provisioning/ with your new Configurator:

if configurator and configurator != "": if configurator == MediacatVMConfigurator.getIdentifier(): return MediacatVMConfigurator; elif configurator == IratiDebianVMConfigurator.getIdentifier(): return IratiDebianVMConfigurator; elif configurator == SpirentCentOSVMConfigurator.getIdentifier(): return SpirentCentOSVMConfigurator; elif configurator == DebianWheezyVMConfigurator.getIdentifier(): return DebianWheezyVMConfigurator ```

  • If the image you want add is using the FileFullHdManager (xen/provisioning/hdmanagers/, you may want to configure the offset of your image:

if vm.xen_configuration.configurator == IratiDebianVMConfigurator.getIdentifier(): FileFullHdManager.subprocessCall('/bin/mount -o loop,offset=44040192 '+str(vm_path)+" "+str(path)) ```

VM integration

  1. Convert the VM image to .img format
  2. If you want to use some Debian distro, you may create it through Xen...:
xen-create-image --hostname <hostname> --ip <ip> [ --vcpus 2 --pygrub \
--dist <lenny|squeeze|maverick|whatever> --size=<size>Gb \
--swap=<size>Gb --netmask=<netmask> --memory=<size>Mb \
--gateway=<gateway> --force ]
  1. ...And convert with the dd tool:
dd if=/dev/vserv/<vm_name>-disk of=<vm_name>.img
  1. Mount the VM image
  2. If you want to run it through Xen:
xm create /etc/xen/<vm_name>.cfg

For the config file to work you shall define the routes to the physical files `<vm_name>.img` and `<vm_name>_swap.img` first. You can use the config file generated in step _1.i_ for inspiration
  1. Install ldap module: apt-get install pam_ldap
  2. Replace the following files of the new image with the ones of a default OFELIA image:
  • /etc/pam.d
  • /etc/pam.conf
  • /etc/nsswitch.conf
  • /etc/nslcd.conf (this one may be missing)
  • /etc/nscd.conf
  1. Create ofelia/users folder: mkdir -p /ofelia/users
  2. Edit /etc/resolv.conf to have only
  3. Empty any logs or existing users if desired
  4. Unmount, i.e. stop the image at Xen
  5. Use the existing .img file as your new template
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