Transparent intercepting proxy in Ruby for MITM attacks.
- Author: Ilya Grigorik
- Original Project:
- EngineYard tutorial: Load testing your environment using em-proxy
- Slides from RailsConf 2009
- GoGaRuCo notes & Slides
- Log file support
- SSL support
- Custom digital certificate support
- Search & Replace support for traffic manipulation
- No error handling :)
- Duplex server must be SSL enabled if connection is SSL enabled
- Multithreads create some errors, they will be fixed after Blackhat/Defcon
$> ruby bin/viproxy
Usage: viproxy [options]
-l, --listen [PORT] Port to listen on
-d, --duplex [host:port, ...] List of backends to duplex data to
-r, --relay [hostname:port] Relay endpoint: hostname:port
-s, --socket [filename] Relay endpoint: unix filename
-z, --ssl Run in SSL mode
-c, --sslcert [filename] SSL certificate file (PEM)
-f, --logfile [filename] Log file
-p, --regexfile [filename] Replacement file
-v, --verbose Run in debug mode
$> ruby bin/viproxy -l 8080 -z -c cert.crt -f /tmp/x.log -v -d -r
The above will start viproxy on port 8080, relay and respond with data from port 8083, and also (optional) duplicate all traffic to ports 8081 (and discard their responses).
#Fuzzing Demo
REQ rtf1 FUZZ 20000
#XSS injection to client requests
REQ xsstest <h1>Viproy Test</h1>
#Content-Length arrangements on server responses
RES Content-Length: 3193 Content-Length: 25663
#XSS injection to server responses and client requests
BOTH xsstest <h1>Viproy Test</h1>
The MIT License - Copyright (c) 2010 Ilya Grigorik