Inspired by thebigtank's "tags builder with jquery" tutorial.
- Bootstrap 5.x (5.2.3)
- jQuery 3.x (3.6.3)
- Font-Awesome 6.x (6.3.0)
- HTML5 Sortable v0.13.x (0.13.3)
- BootboxJS 6.x (6.0.0)
- jQuery Typeahead Search** (2.11.0)
** The jQuery Typeaahead Search library is only required if using the Typeahead option
View the Demo page.
Warning: This is a work in progress.
- Autocomplete/TypeAhead
- Requires:
- Additional HTML around the form-control input
- jQuery Typeaahead Search js library
- Additional JS/Ajax data call (see tag-list-builder-typeahead.js)
- Requires: