Ruby and LINQ-inspired categories on NSArray. Fully tested and documented.
Contributions are welcome. Need something that isn't implemented? Send a pull request!
- A safe (prefixed) set of category methods on NSArray.
- Fully tested (using the awesome Kiwi library). Take a look at the tests for simple usage examples.
- Fully documented (method summaries are displayed when auto-complete is triggered in Xcode 5+).
Using Collector, you get
and other Ruby-like methods that remove the need for a lot of array manipulation boilerplate. Eliminate duplicates using-ct_distinct
, obtain the objects in a specified range using-ct_objectsInRange:
, check if all objects in your array pass a given test using-ct_all:
, and more. -
Some nice extensions to work with
and more. -
Quick and easy sorting.
Note: The following declarations might not be 100% up-to-date with the actual API Collector offers and are displayed here so you can get a feel for the library.
- (NSArray *)ct_arrayByRemovingObject:(id)object;
- (NSArray *)ct_arrayByRemovingObjectsInArray:(NSArray *)array;
- (id)ct_first:(CollectorConditionBlock)condition;
- (id)ct_first:(CollectorConditionBlock)condition orDefault:(id)defaultObject;
- (id)ct_last:(CollectorConditionBlock)condition;
- (id)ct_last:(CollectorConditionBlock)condition orDefault:(id)defaultObject;
- (NSArray *)ct_where:(CollectorConditionBlock)condition;
- (NSArray *)ct_map:(CollectorValueBlock)valueBlock;
- (id)ct_reduce:(id(^)(id cumulated, id object))reducingBlock;
- (id)ct_reduceWithSeed:(id)seed block:(id(^)(id cumulated, id object))reducingBlock;
- (void)ct_each:(CollectorOperationBlock)operation;
- (void)ct_eachWithIndex:(void(^)(id object, NSUInteger index))operation;
- (NSArray *)ct_except:(CollectorConditionBlock)condition;
- (NSArray *)ct_take:(NSUInteger)amount;
- (NSArray *)ct_distinct;
- (NSArray *)ct_distinct:(CollectorValueBlock)valueBlock;
- (NSArray *)ct_objectsInRange:(NSRange)range;
- (NSArray *)ct_objectsOfKind:(Class)kind;
- (id)ct_winner:(id(^)(id object1, id object2))comparisonBlock;
- (BOOL)ct_all:(CollectorConditionBlock)testBlock;
- (BOOL)ct_any:(CollectorConditionBlock)testBlock;
- (BOOL)ct_none:(CollectorConditionBlock)testBlock;
- (NSUInteger)ct_count:(CollectorConditionBlock)testBlock;
- (void)ct_enqueue:(id)object;
- (id)ct_dequeue;
- (void)ct_push:(id)object;
- (id)ct_pop;
- (BOOL)ct_containsObjects:(NSArray *)array;
- (BOOL)ct_containsOnlyObjects:(NSArray *)array;
- (BOOL)ct_containsAnyObject:(NSArray *)objects;
- (BOOL)ct_areObjectsKindOfClass:(Class)klass;
- (NSNumber *)ct_min;
- (NSNumber *)ct_min:(CollectorNumberBlock)numberBlock;
- (NSNumber *)ct_max;
- (NSNumber *)ct_max:(CollectorNumberBlock)numberBlock;
- (NSNumber *)ct_sum;
- (NSNumber *)ct_sum:(CollectorNumberBlock)numberBlock;
- (NSNumber *)ct_average;
- (NSNumber *)ct_average:(CollectorNumberBlock)numberBlock;
- (NSArray *)ct_reversed;
- (NSArray *)ct_shuffled;
- (NSArray *)ct_orderedByAscending:(CollectorValueBlock)valueBlock;
- (NSArray *)ct_orderedByDescending:(CollectorValueBlock)valueBlock;
- (BOOL)ct_addObjectIfNoneEquals:(id)object;
- (BOOL)ct_addObjectIfNotNil:(id)object;
Collector is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Collector"
Michaël Fortin ([email protected])
Collector is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.