This is a small library originally written to facilitate access to the data serialized in packets of a fixed size. Providing a high-level interface it can be used for serializing any data.
In some ways it is similar to google protocol buffers (
it is a C++ library, so it gets compiled with your program
the format / layout of the data is defined dynamically (no need to generate the it for a given format)
the actual data in the buffer does not contain any additional information - this information is only held by the Packet object. Packet is really like a 'template', or a 'parser', that facilitates accessing various fields of the data.
it can be useful when implementing protocols giving an easy interface to define data structures.
down side is that format has to be known at both sides:
- when reading / writing the data unless(*)...
(*)TODO: perhaps could add some code to create/handle a header, containing all format information needed to build a packet. This header could then be stored/transmitted and used to re-create a Packet at the 'reception' side?
Refer to in-source documentation and examples for more information.
/* Example:
Example packet (Initialise Data Source-Packet I.D. 128
for the GPS protocol) (message sent over serial port):
Name Bytes Units
0 Packet ID 1
1 ECEF X 4 Meters
2 ECEF Y 4 Meters
3 ECEF Z 4 Meters
4 Clock Offset 4 Hz
5 Time of Week 4 Seconds
6 Week Number 2
7 Channels 1
8 Reset Config 1
Could be defined as follows:
uint8_t* buffer = new uint8_t[25];
Packet gps_id_128(buffer, 25);
gps_id_128.add_field<uint8_t> ("Packet ID");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint32_t>("ECEF X");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint32_t>("ECEF Y");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint32_t>("ECEF Z");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint32_t>("Clock Offset");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint32_t>("Time of Week");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint16_t>("Week Number");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint8_t> ("Channels");
gps_id_128.add_field<uint8_t> ("Reset Config");
// from now on, these fields can be accessed either by the name:
gps_id_128.set_field("Time of Week", 0xffeb3fe3); // to set the field.
// or by id:
gps_id_128.set_field(7, 2); // id == 7 for channels
gps_id_128.set_field(1, 2); // id == 2 for ECEF X
std::cout << gps_id_128 << "\n"; // can also print it out..
/* Example output:
GPS 128, total size: 0x19 :
Packet ID : 0
ECEF X : 0x2
ECEF Y : 0
ECEF Z : 0
Clock Offset : 0
Time of Week : 0xffeb3fe3
Week Number : 0
Channels : 0x2
Reset Config : 0
Another example (multiple level of packets):
/* packet created as follows: */
Packet all(buffer, total_size);
all.set_name("Flat data packet");
all.add_field<char*> ("payload", all.bytes_left()); // create one field only with remaining space
// packet is just a way of interpreting / using the data- there could be more packetso
// to interpret the same buffer
Packet car(buffer, total_size);
car.add_field<char*>("make", 9); // 9 bytes for make
car.add_field<char*>("model", 9);
car.add_field<char*>("engine", 27);
// can add sub-packets within ptr fields:
Packet& engine = car.sub_packet("engine");
engine.add_field<char*>("type", 8);
engine.add_field<char*>("fuel", 8);
engine.add_field<char*>("version", 3);
engine.add_field<char*>("params", 6); // 6 bytes for params
Packet& engine_params = engine.sub_packet("params");
engine_params.add_field<short>("top speed mph");
// accessing fields
car.set_field("make", "Porshe", sizeof("Porshe"));
car.set_field("model", "911 GT1", sizeof("911 GT1"));
car.set_field("prod_year", 2008);
engine_params.set_field("cylinders", 6);
engine_params.set_field("top speed mph", 191);
// can also access sub-packets by traversing from the root..
car.sub_packet("engine").set_field("fuel", "Ethanol", 7);
car.sub_packet("engine").set_field("type", "flat-6", 6);
car.sub_packet("engine").sub_packet("params").set_field("ps", 544);
// could be printed as follows:
std::cout << "\n" << car << "\n";
/* output:
CAR, total size: 0x31 :
make : (size 0x9): 50 6f 72 73 68 65 00 00 00 Porshe...
model : (size 0x9): 39 31 31 20 47 54 31 00 00 911 GT1..
prod_year : 0x7d8
engine : (size 0x1b):
type : (size 0x8): 66 6c 61 74 2d 36 00 00 flat-6..
fuel : (size 0x8): 45 74 68 61 6e 6f 6c 00 Ethanol.
version : (size 0x3): 00 00 00 ...
params : (size 0x6):
ps : 0x220
top speed mph : 0xbf
cylinders : 0x6
std::cout << all << "\n"; // print the whole payload data..
/* output:
Flat data packet, total size: 0x36 :
payload : (size 0x36):
50 6f 72 73 68 65 00 00 00 39 31 31 20 47 54 31 Porshe...911 GT1
00 00 d8 07 00 00 66 6c 61 74 2d 36 00 00 45 74 ......flat-6..Et
68 61 6e 6f 6c 00 00 00 00 20 02 bf 00 06 00 00 hanol.... ......
00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
// or in JSON:
/* output:
{"name": "CAR", "total_size": 49, "fields": ["make": "Porshe", "model": "911 GT1", "prod_year": 2008, "engine": {"fields": ["type": "flat-6", "fuel": "Ethanol", "version": "", "params": {"fields": ["ps": 544, "top speed mph": 191, "cylinders": 6]}]}]}