New Features
- 2f667f9: feat: Add client credentials flow (@gfyrag)
- aa8b206: feat: Add flags to configure delegated oidc (@gfyrag)
- 981dbc8: feat: Add health checks (@gfyrag)
- 12ad7f4: feat: Add health checks on store (@gfyrag)
- 4770f9e: feat: Add metadata on clients and scope objects (@gfyrag)
- a2d200a: feat: Add missing DELETE /clients/{clientId} (@gfyrag)
- 5113d5d: feat: Add missing DELETE /scopes/{scopeId} (oups...) (@gfyrag)
- d4fd70b: feat: Add scopes api and some other utils (@gfyrag)
- 114e4ae: feat: Add swagger (@gfyrag)
- cc82aaa: feat: Complete clients api. (@gfyrag)
- 95c15a0: feat: Configure access token as jwt and add scopes. (@gfyrag)
- 68670a6: feat: Generate Go client (@gfyrag)
- 1e9c25e: feat: Make non public client authenticate with secret in basic (@gfyrag)
- 8f36b55: feat: Remove hardcoded dex configuration inside pkg/ (@gfyrag)
- b59c551: feat: add base server (@gfyrag)
- e9e6841: feat: add healthchecks on dockercompose (@gfyrag)
- df60de5: feat: add openid server and demo app (@gfyrag)
- 8d40fbe: feat: add scopes to client view. (@gfyrag)
- 474b31e: feat: add telemetry (@gfyrag)
- baf94a8: feat: make signing key configurable (@gfyrag)
- 2ed5db8: feat: move client code (@gfyrag)
- b1821ea: feat: not ignore invalid signing keys (@gfyrag)
- 79396de: feat: scaffold api client (@gfyrag)
Bug fixes
- 56ef055: fix: client secret check (@gfyrag)
- a0e1c6c: fix: exclude authclient from lint (@gfyrag)
- 8fd5aa7: fix: fx bootstrap when telemetry is not enabled (@gfyrag)
- cda8889: fix: swagger and generated client code (@gfyrag)
- 89f1e8a: fix: swagger+lib (@gfyrag)
- 59a19a2: fix: swagger+lib (@gfyrag)
- f84a24c: fix: tests (@gfyrag)
Other work
- 45d2fa3: chore: Move code (@gfyrag)
- 2860100: chore: clean TODO file (@gfyrag)
- 932ebe3: chore: clean code (@gfyrag)
- 6e28e6e: chore: clean code (@gfyrag)
- e5e038f: chore: go fmt generated code (@gfyrag)
- 1acbf1a: chore: lint (@gfyrag)
- 291fccf: chore: remove TODO (@gfyrag)
- 6972659: ci: Add CI (@flemzord)
- c9af532: refactor: redirection handling (@gfyrag)
- 79d7625: refactor: remove hardcoded oauth2 client for demo app (@gfyrag)
- de75112: refactor: remove usage of core/oidc package. (@gfyrag)
Full Changelog: ...v0.1.0
What to do next?
- Read the documentation
- Join our Discord server