A plugin for using Aseprite animations in Bevy.
The AsepriteBundle
is composed of the same fields as the
but with two extra components,
and AsepriteAnimation
See examples/aseprite.rs for a complete example, you can run it with:
cargo run --example aseprite
Basic usage is as follows:
fn load_assets(asset_server: Res<AssetServer>, mut aseprite_handles: ResMut<AsepriteHandles>) {
let player: Handle<Aseprite> = asset_server.load("player.ase");
fn setup(
mut commands: Commands,
aseprite_handles: Res<AsepriteHandles>,
aseprites: Res<Assets<Aseprite>>,
) {
let aseprite_handle = &aseprite_handles[0];
let aseprite = aseprites.get(aseprite_handle).unwrap();
let animation = AsepriteAnimation::new(aseprite.info(), "idle");
.insert(AsepriteBundle {
texture_atlas: aseprite.atlas().clone_weak(),
sprite: TextureAtlasSprite::new(animation.current_frame()),
aseprite: aseprite_handle.clone_weak(),
#[derive(Resource, Deref, DerefMut, Default)]
struct AsepriteHandles(Vec<Handle<Aseprite>>);
The component AsepriteAnimation
also exposes methods to get
information such as the current animation frame (within the tag or not), its duration,
or the number of remaining frames. This can be useful to transition states at the end of
an animation:
fn transition_player(
time: Res<Time>,
player_q: Query<(&PlayerState, &Handle<Aseprite>, &AsepriteAnimation), With<Player>>,
aseprites: Res<Assets<Aseprite>>,
mut ev_player_changed: EventWriter<PlayerChanged>,
) {
let (&player_state, handle, anim) = player_q.single();
let aseprite = aseprites.get(handle).unwrap();
match player_state {
PlayerState::Attack => {
let remaining_frames = anim.remaining_tag_frames(aseprite.info()).unwrap();
let frame_finished = anim.frame_finished(time.delta());
if remaining_frames == 0 && frame_finished {
_ => (),
bevy | bevy_mod_aseprite |
0.10 | 0.4 |
0.9 | 0.2, 0.3 |
0.8 | 0.1 |
This crate started as a fork of mdenchev/bevy_aseprite.