- unzip data/, train_logs_single_run/, train_logs_multi_runs/, and train_logs_wikitext-2/;
- install requirements.txt (currently contains unuseed packages; to be cleaned);
- optionally, copy models from the dropbox (sample:, all models: to the folder models_weights.
- search_space_examples.ipynb demonstrates how to generate architectures from the search space;
- to train a model, run script --recepie_id=, where the list of architectures is by defaultin data/recepies_example.json; logs and final weights will be stored in tmp folder by default (see script argumens for more info);
- reproduce_model.ipynb demonstrates how to load and apply the trained model;
- make_arch_embedding.ipynb creates graph2vec features for architectures;
- search_space_analysis.ipynb reproduces figures from the analysis section in the paper;
- benchmarking_examples.ipynb shows how NAS methods can be tested based on precomputed results in the logs.