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[pr into #822] (#827)
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Signed-off-by: Yee Hing Tong <[email protected]>

Signed-off-by: Kevin Su <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
wild-endeavor authored Jan 24, 2022
1 parent f5f6d25 commit de1c0b2
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Showing 5 changed files with 213 additions and 85 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions flytekit/core/
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import datetime
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, OrderedDict, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

from flytekit.core.context_manager import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
from import SecurityContext

def kwtypes(**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Type]:
def kwtypes(**kwargs) -> OrderedDict[str, Type]:
This is a small helper function to convert the keyword arguments to an OrderedDict of types.
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253 changes: 177 additions & 76 deletions flytekit/types/structured/
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from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Generator, Optional, Type, Union

import pyarrow
from dataclasses_json import config, dataclass_json
from marshmallow import fields

from typing import Annotated, get_args, get_origin
from typing import Annotated, TypeAlias, get_args, get_origin
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Annotated, get_origin, get_args
from typing_extensions import Annotated, get_origin, get_args, TypeAlias

import _datetime
import numpy as _np
Expand All @@ -38,20 +39,24 @@
S3 = "s3"
LOCAL = "/"

# For specifying the storage formats of StructuredDatasets. It's just a string, nothing fancy.
StructuredDatasetFormat: TypeAlias = str

# Storage formats
PARQUET = "parquet"
PARQUET: StructuredDatasetFormat = "parquet"

class StructuredDataset(object):
uri: typing.Optional[os.PathLike] = field(default=None, metadata=config(mm_field=fields.String()))
file_format: typing.Optional[str] = field(default=PARQUET, metadata=config(mm_field=fields.String()))
This is the user facing StructuredDataset class. Please don't confuse it with the literals.StructuredDataset
class (that is just a model, a Python class representation of the protobuf).

uri: typing.Optional[os.PathLike] = field(default=None, metadata=config(mm_field=fields.String()))
file_format: typing.Optional[str] = field(default=PARQUET, metadata=config(mm_field=fields.String()))


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +114,53 @@ def iter(self) -> Generator[DF, None, None]:
return FLYTE_DATASET_TRANSFORMER.iter_as(ctx, self.literal, self._dataframe_type)

def extract_cols_and_format(
t: typing.Any,
) -> typing.Tuple[Type[T], Optional[typing.OrderedDict[str, Type]], Optional[str], Optional[pa.lib.Schema]]:
Helper function, just used to iterate through Annotations and extract out the following information:
- base type, if not Annotated, it will just be the type that was passed in.
- column information, as a collections.OrderedDict,
- the storage format, as a ``StructuredDatasetFormat`` (str),
- pa.lib.Schema
If more than one of any type of thing is found, an error will be raised.
If no instances of a given type are found, then None will be returned.
If we add more things, we should put all the returned items in a dataclass instead of just a tuple.
:param t: The incoming type which may or may not be Annotated
:return: Tuple representing
the original type,
optional OrderedDict of columns,
optional str for the format,
optional pyarrow Schema
fmt = None
ordered_dict_cols = None
pa_schema = None
if get_origin(t) is Annotated:
base_type, *annotate_args = get_args(t)
for aa in annotate_args:
if isinstance(aa, StructuredDatasetFormat):
if fmt is not None:
raise ValueError(f"A format was already specified {fmt}, cannot use {aa}")
fmt = aa
elif isinstance(aa, collections.OrderedDict):
if ordered_dict_cols is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Column information was already found {ordered_dict_cols}, cannot use {aa}")
ordered_dict_cols = aa
elif isinstance(aa, pyarrow.Schema):
if pa_schema is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Arrow schema was already found {pa_schema}, cannot use {aa}")
pa_schema = aa
return base_type, ordered_dict_cols, fmt, pa_schema

# We return None as the format instead of parquet or something because the transformer engine may find
# a better default for the given dataframe type.
return t, ordered_dict_cols, fmt, pa_schema

class StructuredDatasetEncoder(ABC):
def __init__(self, python_type: Type[T], protocol: str, supported_format: Optional[str] = None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,8 +279,8 @@ def protocol_prefix(uri: str) -> str:

def convert_schema_type_to_structured_dataset_type(
column_type: SchemaType.SchemaColumn.SchemaColumnType,
) -> type_models.SimpleType:
column_type: int,
) -> int:
if column_type == SchemaType.SchemaColumn.SchemaColumnType.INTEGER:
return type_models.SimpleType.INTEGER
if column_type == SchemaType.SchemaColumn.SchemaColumnType.FLOAT:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,9 +404,10 @@ def to_literal(
expected: LiteralType,
) -> Literal:
# Make a copy in case we need to hand off to encoders, since we can't be sure of mutations.
# Check first to see if it's even an SD type. For backwards compatibility, we may be getting a
# Check first to see if it's even an SD type. For backwards compatibility, we may be getting a FlyteSchema
if get_origin(python_type) is Annotated:
python_type = get_args(python_type)[0]
# In case it's a FlyteSchema
sdt = StructuredDatasetType(format=self.DEFAULT_FORMATS.get(python_type, None))

if expected and expected.structured_dataset_type:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,58 +502,106 @@ def encode(
return Literal(scalar=Scalar(structured_dataset=sd_model))

def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> T:
The only tricky thing with converting a Literal (say the output of an earlier task), to a Python value at
the start of a task execution, is the column subsetting behavior. For example, if you have,
def t1() -> Annotated[StructuredDataset, kwtypes(col_a=int, col_b=float)]: ...
def t2(in_a: Annotated[StructuredDataset, kwtypes(col_b=float)]): ...
where t2(in_a=t1()), when t2 does, it should get a DataFrame
with only one column.
| | StructuredDatasetType of the incoming Literal |
| StructuredDatasetType | Has columns defined | [] columns or None |
| of currently running task | | |
| Has columns | The StructuredDatasetType passed to the decoder will have the columns |
| defined | as defined by the type annotation of the currently running task. |
| | |
| | Decoders **should** then subset the incoming data to the columns requested. |
| | |
| [] columns or None | StructuredDatasetType passed to decoder | StructuredDatasetType passed to the |
| | will have the columns from the incoming | decoder will have an empty list of |
| | Literal. This is the scenario where | columns. |
| | the Literal returned by the running | |
| | task will have more information than | |
| | the running task's signature. | |
# Detect annotations and extract out all the relevant information that the user might supply
expected_python_type, column_dict, storage_fmt, pa_schema = extract_cols_and_format(expected_python_type)

# The literal that we get in might be an old FlyteSchema.
# We'll continue to support this for the time being.
subset_columns = {}
if get_origin(expected_python_type) is Annotated:
subset_columns = get_args(expected_python_type)[1]
expected_python_type = get_args(expected_python_type)[0]
# We'll continue to support this for the time being. There is some duplicated logic here but let's
# keep it copy/pasted for clarity
if lv.scalar.schema is not None:
sd = StructuredDataset()
schema_columns = lv.scalar.schema.type.columns

# See the repeated logic below for comments
if column_dict is None or len(column_dict) == 0:
final_dataset_columns = []
if schema_columns is not None and schema_columns != []:
for c in schema_columns:
# Dataframe will always be serialized to parquet file by FlyteSchema transformer
new_sdt = StructuredDatasetType(columns=final_dataset_columns, format=PARQUET)
final_dataset_columns = self._convert_ordered_dict_of_columns_to_list(column_dict)
# Dataframe will always be serialized to parquet file by FlyteSchema transformer
new_sdt = StructuredDatasetType(columns=final_dataset_columns, format=PARQUET)

metad = literals.StructuredDatasetMetadata(structured_dataset_type=new_sdt)
sd_literal = literals.StructuredDataset(
# Dataframe will always be serialized to parquet file by FlyteSchema transformer
sd._literal_sd = sd_literal

if issubclass(expected_python_type, StructuredDataset):
schema_columns = lv.scalar.schema.type.columns
if schema_columns is not None:
subset_dataset_columns = []
for c in schema_columns:
if in subset_columns:
sd._literal_sd.metadata.structured_dataset_type.columns = subset_dataset_columns
sd = StructuredDataset(dataframe=None, metadata=metad)
sd._literal_sd = sd_literal
return sd
return self.open_as(ctx, sd_literal, df_type=expected_python_type)

# Either a StructuredDataset type or some dataframe type.
# A StructuredDataset type, for example
# t1(input_a: StructuredDataset) # or
# t1(input_a: Annotated[StructuredDataset, my_cols])
if issubclass(expected_python_type, StructuredDataset):
# Just save the literal for now. If in the future we find that we need the StructuredDataset type hint
# type also, we can add it.
dataset_columns = lv.scalar.structured_dataset.metadata.structured_dataset_type.columns
if dataset_columns is not None:
subset_dataset_columns = []
for c in dataset_columns:
if in subset_columns:
lv.scalar.structured_dataset.metadata.structured_dataset_type.columns = subset_dataset_columns
incoming_columns = lv.scalar.structured_dataset.metadata.structured_dataset_type.columns

# If the incoming literal, also doesn't have columns, then we just have an empty list, so initialize here
final_dataset_columns = []
# If the current running task's input does not have columns defined, or has an empty list of columns
if column_dict is None or len(column_dict) == 0:
# but if it does, then we just copy it over
if incoming_columns is not None and incoming_columns != []:
for c in incoming_columns:
# If the current running task's input does have columns defined
final_dataset_columns = self._convert_ordered_dict_of_columns_to_list(column_dict)

new_sdt = StructuredDatasetType(
sd = expected_python_type(
# Specifying these two are just done for completeness. Kind of waste since
# we're saving the whole incoming literal to _literal_sd.
# Note here that the type being passed in
sd._literal_sd = lv.scalar.structured_dataset
return sd
Expand All @@ -527,7 +628,7 @@ def iter_as(
raise ValueError(f"Decoder {decoder} didn't return iterator {result} but should have from {sd}")
return result

def _get_dataset_column_literal_type(self, t: Type):
def _get_dataset_column_literal_type(self, t: Type) -> type_models.LiteralType:
if t in self._SUPPORTED_TYPES:
return self._SUPPORTED_TYPES[t]
if hasattr(t, "__origin__") and t.__origin__ == list:
Expand All @@ -536,37 +637,37 @@ def _get_dataset_column_literal_type(self, t: Type):
return type_models.LiteralType(map_value_type=self._get_dataset_column_literal_type(t.__args__[1]))
raise AssertionError(f"type {t} is currently not supported by StructuredDataset")

def _get_dataset_type(self, t: typing.Union[Type[StructuredDataset], typing.Any]) -> StructuredDatasetType:
def _convert_ordered_dict_of_columns_to_list(
self, column_map: typing.OrderedDict[str, Type]
) -> typing.List[StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn]:
converted_cols: typing.List[StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn] = []
# Handle different kinds of annotation
# my_cols = kwtypes(x=int, y=str)
# 1. Fill in format correctly by checking for typing.annotated. For example, Annotated[pd.Dataframe, my_cols]
if get_origin(t) is Annotated:
_, *hint_args = get_args(t)
if type(hint_args[0]) in (collections.OrderedDict, dict):
for k, v in hint_args[0].items():
lt = self._get_dataset_column_literal_type(v)
converted_cols.append(StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn(name=k, literal_type=lt))
return StructuredDatasetType(
columns=converted_cols, format=PARQUET if len(hint_args) == 1 else hint_args[1]
# 3. Fill in external schema type and bytes by checking for typing.annotated metadata.
# For example, Annotated[pd.Dataframe, pa.schema([("col1", pa.int32()), ("col2", pa.string())])]
elif type(hint_args[0]) is pa.lib.Schema:
return StructuredDatasetType(
external_schema_bytes=typing.cast(pa.lib.Schema, hint_args[0]).to_string().encode(),
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized Annotated type for StructuredDataset {t}")
if column_map is None or len(column_map) == 0:
return converted_cols
for k, v in column_map.items():
lt = self._get_dataset_column_literal_type(v)
converted_cols.append(StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn(name=k, literal_type=lt))
return converted_cols

elif issubclass(t, StructuredDataset):
return StructuredDatasetType(columns=None, format=t.DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT)

# 3. pd.Dataframe
fmt = self.DEFAULT_FORMATS.get(t, PARQUET)
return StructuredDatasetType(columns=converted_cols, format=fmt)
def _get_dataset_type(self, t: typing.Union[Type[StructuredDataset], typing.Any]) -> StructuredDatasetType:
original_python_type, column_map, storage_format, pa_schema = extract_cols_and_format(t)

# Get the column information
converted_cols = self._convert_ordered_dict_of_columns_to_list(column_map)

# Get the format
default_format = (
if issubclass(original_python_type, StructuredDataset)
else self.DEFAULT_FORMATS.get(original_python_type, PARQUET)
fmt = storage_format or default_format

return StructuredDatasetType(
external_schema_type="arrow" if pa_schema else None,
external_schema_bytes=typing.cast(pa.lib.Schema, pa_schema).to_string().encode() if pa_schema else None,

def get_literal_type(self, t: typing.Union[Type[StructuredDataset], typing.Any]) -> LiteralType:
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"singledispatchmethod; python_version < '3.8.0'",
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