These project are used to collect some basic example of Zig program, it is only for myself.
The supported zig version is 0.13.
Run bellow command to build and run this project.
zig build run
This is a vectorized and performance-portable Quicksort that supports some SIMD instruction sets, including AVX for X86_64, Neon for ARM aarch64, wasm32.
This is an example of image processing in Zig language, which uses zstbi to encode and decode image formats, load and store image files.
Add some types and functions for support category theory and functional programing in Zig. All types and functions are provided in functor_alg.zig file.
Note: This feature has been separated into a standalone project and is no longer developed or updated. Please go to new project zig-cats.
The list of supported concept of category theory is show in bellow:
- Functor
- Natural Transformation
- Applicative Functor
- Monad
- Compose Functor
- Compose Applicative
- Product Functor
- Product Applicative
- Coproduct Functor
- Coproduct Applicative