After installing Fly, it is necessary to follow some steps in order to create a project in Eclipse IDE for DSL:
- Open a new Eclipse runtime. Right click on org.xtext.FLY -> Run as... -> Eclipse application;
- Create a new project in the Fly runtime. New project -> Maven project -> select it.isisLab archetype -> set a name for the project -> Finish;
- Convert the project in a Fly project. Right click on src/main/fly -> New file -> set a filename with a .fly extension -> Finish. After creating a .fly file, Eclipse will prompt about the project conversion. Select yes.
Once the Fly project is created, it is the moment to write your Fly program. A Fly project is divided in two main folders:
- src/main/fly for .fly files;
- src-gen where the Fly generator will compile Fly code in Java code and scripts for deploy and undeploy.
When you write a Fly program, it's recommended to follow some rules of thumb in order to avoid the majority of errors:
- Initialize your variables berfore using them for complex assignments. This will avoid some type parsing errors. Here is an example:
var x = 10
var y = x //Wrong. Fly generator will recognize y variable as variable Object.
var x = 10
var y = 0
y = x //Right. Fly generator will recognize y variable as Integer.
- If you have to use data structures in a function, prefer using const instead of passing parameters. This allows to avoid other type parsing errors. Here is an example:
var x = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] //Matrix declaration
func myFunction(x){ //x will be recognized as Integer
... some code ...
const y = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
func myFunction2(){ //This won't produce errors
var z = y[0][0]
... some code ...