A Awesome Todo App built upon ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Angular "Ivy" 9
It uses a PostgreSQL DB Docker Container.
Bc of easier PostgreSQL configuration, I require Docker to run this Application.
cd TodoDataAPI/
dotnet dev-certs https --clean
dotnet dev-certs https -ep https/todo_cert.pfx -p pass1234
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
to run the Application:
docker-compose up
After that, the application should run under https://localhost:9011/
API Endpoint docs:
Endpoint | HTTP Request Methods | Description |
/api/auth/login | POST | login with existing user |
/api/auth/register | POST | register a new user |
/api/todos | GET | get all todos |
/api/todos/{todoid} | POST | add new todo |
/api/todos/{todoid} | PUT | edit todo |
/api/todos//{todoid} | DELETE | delete todo |
login with your credentials
Register with your email, username and password