Git hooks handlers for yii2
The git versioning system provides many project management features including an event-based model. The git event model provides the ability to call scripts after events have occurred, such as switching to another branch, loading a project on a local branch, and others. This package provides the ability to register git events and make settings depending on the event that occurred.
To install the composer package,
- add repository:
{ "type": "vcs", "url": "" }
- run the command:
composer require flowwow/githooks
- Next, you need to connect the console module to the configuration @console\config\main.php
'modules' => [
'githooks' => Flowwow\Githooks\Module::class
- the Plug-in will add 2 commands to the console:
- githooks/hooks/register Registers event settings
- githooks/hooks/handle capturing the event
- next, you should unsubscribe the configuration for events. Configuration is performed using the yii2 dependency inversion container. The entire configuration is unsubscribed in the project container section:
'container' => [
'singletons' => [
- The following models participate in the configuration:
- GitHookRule - Hook rule
- BaseEvent implements EventInterface is a Base class events
- BaseEventHandler implements EventHandlerInterface-Base class of event handlers
- by default, hook settings have preset values. You can override them and specify a link to the settings
'githook.yii.parameters' => function () {
return GitHooksParameters::make();
- Next, you need to configure the rules: Each rule contains:
- Name of the git hook
- Event model
- Handler model
- An optional set of parameters GitHookParameters
'githook.post_merge.migrate' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, AlwaysEvent::make(),
MigrateEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii.parameters'));
'githook.post_merge.cache_flush' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, AlwaysEvent::make(),
CacheFlushEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii.parameters'));
- After the configuration of git events is described, you need to register the hook with the githooks/hooks/register console command This command will create the {ROOT}./.githooks / folder and upload files for git hooks to it
The following events are available in the basic configuration:
- AlwaysEvent-Always returns true
- ComposerChangeEvent - whether the composer.json file has Changed
- NodeChangeEvent - whether the package file has Changed.json
- WebFileUpdateEvent - whether the css,js,sass,less files have Changed
as well as event handlers:
- ComposerUpdateEventHandler - handler for the composer install command
- CacheFlushEventHandler - handler for the yii cache/flush-all command
- GulpUpdateEventHandler - handler for the gulp build command
- MigrateEventHandler - handler for the yii migrate command
- NodeUpdateEventHandler - handler for the npm install command
- RbacUpdateEventHandler - handler for the yii rbac/init command
- RedisDropEventHandler - handler for the yii redis/drop command
You can create your own events inheriting the BaseEvent class or applying the EventInterface interface Handlers inherit the BaseEventHandler class or the EventHandlerInterface interface
- Next, add the rules to the hook parameters.
GitHooksParameters::class => [
'rules' => [
Instance::of ('githook.post_merge.migrate'),
Instance::of ('githook.post_merge.cache_flush'),
That's all.
Here is an example of a full config
'githook.yii.parameters' => function () {
return GitHooksParameters::make();
'githook.yii_test.parameters' => function () {
$parameters = GitHooksParameters::make();
return $parameters->setYiiPath('yii_test');
'githook.post_merge.migrate' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, AlwaysEvent::make(),
MigrateEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii.parameters'));
'githook.post_merge.cache_flush' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, AlwaysEvent::make(),
CacheFlushEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii.parameters'));
'githook.post_merge.lang_drop' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, AlwaysEvent::make(),
RedisDropEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii.parameters'));
'githook.post_merge.composer_install' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, ComposerChangeEvent::make(),
ComposerUpdateEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii.parameters'));
'githook.post_merge.npm_install' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, NodeChangeEvent::make(),
NodeUpdateEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii.parameters'));
'githook.post_merge.test_migrate' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, AlwaysEvent::make(),
MigrateEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii_test.parameters'));
'githook.post_merge.test_cache_flush' => function () {
return new GitHookRule(GitHooksParameters::HOOK_POST_MERGE, AlwaysEvent::make(),
CacheFlushEventHandler::make(), Yii::$container->get('githook.yii_test.parameters'));
GitHooksParameters::class => [
'rules' => [