func main() {
router := routex.New()
router.Handle("/hello", hello)
fmt.Println("Server is listening")
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router)
func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
You can specify the allowed methods like this:
router.Handle("/hello", hello).Methods("POST", "GET")
Or set them for all configured paths:
router.Methods("POST", "GET")
The router will accept trailing slashes typed by the client by default, even if none is set in the handling path. You can disable that this way for a certain route...
router.Handle("/hello", hello).AcceptTrailingSlash(false)
... or disable it for all routes:
router.ServeStatic("/static", "./static")
If the request does not contain a specific filename, the router will automatically look for index.html
Optionally you can set a custom index file:
router.ServeStatic("/static", "./static").IndexFile("template.html")
You can just allow CORS like this:
or for a single route.
router.Handle("/api", api).AllowCORS(true)
Whenever allowing CORS it is highly recommended to define the allowed methods, otherwise all methods will be accepted!
However, custom CORS heraders could be set by yourself at anytime in your handler functions.
router.Handle("/api", api).AllowCORS(true).Methods("GET")