Atom JAXB is Java library focused on Atom 1.0 feed marshalling/unmarshalling.
Atom JAXB provides the standard Atom 1.0 JAXB beans you need as well as a simple extension mechanism, leveraging namespaces.
Indeed, the recommended approach is to extend standard Atom element with your own elements in your own namespaces (or other standard ones).
This can be done as follows:
Feed feed = new Feed();
// [...]
Entry entry = new Entry();
entry.addAdditionalElement(new SimpleElement(
new Namespace("http://my.own.namespace", "my"),
which roughly corresponds to:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<!-- [...] -->
<my:custom xmlns:my="http://my.own.namespace">42</my:custom>
Atom JAXB is not designed with complex XML tree in mind. Instead, it emphasizes:
- flat structures (favour links between entries over nested entry elements)
- simple textual
(plain text or HTML)