The common definitions for "ioctl" and "function id" are defined in this repository. This repository is a sub-repository of "flinklib" and "flinklinux".
- Definitions of function ids in ""
- flinklib: CMake automatically executes "" and generates "" (holds strings decribing the function), automatically executes "" and generates "flink_funcid.h" (holds function ids)
- flinklinux: Makefile automatically executes "" and generates "flink_fmi.c"
- flinkvhdl: "" has to be executed manually. It generates "flinkinterface/flinkvhdl/fLink/core/flink_definitions.vhd". This file has to be copied in the flinkvhdl repository "flinkvhdl/flink/core/flink_definitions.vhd"
- flinkpython: "" has to be executed manually. It generates "flinkinterface/flinkpython/flink/core/"
- flinkdeep: "" has to be executed manually. It generates "flinkinterface/flinkdeep/flink/core/"
- Make desired changes in "" and push to remote
- flinklib: Checkout the latest version of the submodule "flinkinterface" and rebuild "flinklib"
- flinklinux: Checkout the latest version of the submodule "flinkinterface" and rebuild "flinklinux"
- flinkvhdl: Manually execute "" and copy the file "flink_definitions.vhd" to your "flinkvhdl" repository
- flinkpython: Manually execute "" and copy the file "" your "flinkpython" repository
- flinkdeep: Manually execute "" and copy the file "" to the repository containing your deep target library
- Defined in ""
- flinklib: CMake automatically executes "" and generates "flinkioctl_cmd.h"
- flinklinux: Makefile automatically executes "" and generates "flink_ioctl.h"
- Make desired changes in "" and push to remote
- flinklib: Checkout the latest version of the submodule "flinkinterface" and rebuild "flinklib"
- flinklinux: Checkout the latest version of the submodule "flinkinterface" and rebuild "flinklinux"