This project is part of DIH^2. For more information check the RAMP Catalogue entry for the components.
📚 Documentation | 🐳 Docker Hub | 🎥 Video Tutorial | 💾 OSCAR Dataset |
Oscar is an IoT application for enabling communication between an interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a robotic arm assisting the operator during the assembly process.
- CSV Parser: component in charge of loading the data of the components and processing steps on Fiware.
- ROS Services for Fiware-UI-Robot: component enabling communication from UI to the robotic arm
- ROS Services for Kinect-Fiware: component enabling communication from the camera to Fiware
- HoloLens UI application: interactive Graphical User Interface
Files containing data must be in csv format, using the comma ,
As for now csv data is split among the following files:
where the entity UseCase
contains one or more entities Macrostep
, which, in turn contain one or more
entities Step
The first row of the csv tables contains the attribute name (first letter in lowercase) and in the case of relationship attributes their name convention must follow the rule:
name_of_attribute = 'ref' + name_of_external_entity
. So if, for example, an entityStep
has an attribute linking to theComponent
entity the name of the attribute must berefComponent
. -
The second row must contain the type of the attribute, the type of the first column containing the
must be of typeNone
, while the relationship attributes must be of typeRelationship
To access the video tutorial showing all following steps please follow this link.
Only the first time execute the command:
docker network create fiware_default
then run the containers for mongo and orion:
docker run -d --name=mongo-db --network=fiware_default --expose=27017 mongo:4.2 --bind_ip_all
docker run -d --name fiware-orion -h orion --network=fiware_default -p 1026:1026 fiware/orion -dbhost mongo-db
To run the container execute the command
docker run --ipc=host -it phm14/oscar
Make sure that in the file config.yaml
inside the folder src/oscar_core
the entities address field entities_address: http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT_NUMBER/v2/entities/
is correct (for example if running on Linux on localhost use the address
nano src/oscar_core/config.yml
and change accordingly entities_address: http://IP_ADDRESS:PORT_NUMBER/v2/entities/
Remember to check the robot ip address is correct.
Inside the container run the following:
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch bring_up
To load data on Fiware execute the command:
cd Scripts
the script file must be on the same folder of config.yml file to work
Inside the container run the following:
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch parser
To check if services are running launch another session from the same container:
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
inside the new session source ros:`
source install/setup.bash
To visualize data launch the command:
ros2 run parser ficlient TYPE ID
where TYPE
can be one of the following values component
, step
, macrostep
, usecase
depending on the entity and ID
is the same value found on the input csv files.
When launching the command ros2 launch bring_up
the services managing the robot are executed, to work the robot must be connected to the host.
An example of data gathered during a run of the application can be accessed on the following link.
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