me: Hi everyone, my name is Franco and I'm addicted to colorschemes
everyone else: Hi Franco
one stop shop for vim colorschemes.
this was [originally] harvested from only colorschemes downloaded in a single .vim
file are included.
for hacking on harvesting see the branch prep.
- honor system is in effect!
- new schemes are welcome!
- upstream updates are accepted!
- non-upstream updates are accepted as derivitive schemes: pick a new filename; cite the original!
- housekeeping updates are accepted too!
Basic install - very simple (*nix or cygwin install)
mkdir ~/.vim
git clone ~/.vim
if you use vim + pathogen
git submodule add ~/.vim/bundle/colorschemes
if you use vim + vundle
" add to .vimrc
Plugin 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'
if you aren't so clever just get all the files in colors/*.vim
# after downloading; unpacking; cd'ing
cp colors/* ~/.vim/colors
To change the colorscheme of Vim, add to your .vimrc
colorscheme nameofcolorscheme
For example, to change the color scheme to wombat:
colorscheme wombat
To change to Molokai:
colorscheme molokai
Inside Vim, you use:
:colorscheme molokai
There are quite a few colorschemes in this. To preview them on your live code inside of Vim, checkout this page from the vim wikia and this repo for easy installation.
fork this repo; send a pull request!; I'll take it!
I'm a slave to aesthetics. If you are too, I hope this helps.