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Plugable cache architecture for Python


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Pluggable cache architecture for Python

pluca is a pluggable cache architecture for Python 3 applications. The package provides an unified interface to several cache implementations, which allows an application to switch cache back-ends on an as-needed basis with minimal changes.


  • Unified cache interface - your application can just instantiate a Cache object and pass it around — client code just access the cache without having to know any of the details about caching back-ends, expiration logic, etc.
  • Easy interface - writing a pluca cache for a new caching back-end is very straightforward
  • It is fast - the library is developed with performance in mind
  • It works out-of-box - a file system cache is provided that can be used out-of-box
  • No batteries needed - pluca has no external dependencies

How to use

First import the cache module:

>>> import pluca.file  # Use a file system cache.

Now create the cache object:

>>> cache = pluca.file.Cache()

Store 3.1415 in the cache using pi as key:

>>> cache.put('pi', 3.1415)

Now retrieve the value from the cache.

>>> pi = cache.get('pi')
>>> pi
>>> type(pi)
<class 'float'>

Non-existent or expired cache entries raise KeyError.

>>> cache.get('notthere')
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'notthere'

Use remove() to delete entries from the cache:

>>> cache.put('foo', 'bar')
>>> cache.get('foo')
>>> cache.remove('foo')
>>> cache.get('foo')
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'foo'

To test if a entry exists, use has():

>>> cache.put('this', 'is in the cache')
>>> cache.has('this')
>>> cache.has('that')

You can provide a default value for when the key does not exist or has expired. The method will not raise KeyError in this case, it will return the default value instead.

>>> cache.get('notthere', 12345)

By default cache entries are set to “never” expire — cache adapters can expire entries though, for example to use less resource. Here’s an example of how to store a cache entry with an explicit expiration time:

>>> cache.put('see-you', 'in two secs', 1)  # Expire in 1 second.
>>> import time; time.sleep(1)  # Wait for it to expire.
>>> cache.get('see-you')
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'see-you'

Cache keys can be any object (but see Caveats below):

>>> key = (__name__, True, 'this', 'key', 'has', 'more', 'than', 1, 'value')
>>> cache.put(key, 'data')
>>> cache.get(key)

Cached values can be any pickable data:

>>> import datetime
>>> alongtimeago =, 1, 1)
>>> cache.put('alongtimeago', alongtimeago)
>>> today = cache.get('alongtimeago')
>>> today, 1, 1)
>>> type(today)
<class ''>

Flushing the cache remove all entries:

>>> cache.put('bye', 'tchau')
>>> cache.flush()
>>> cache.get('bye')
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'bye'

Abstracting cache back-ends

Here’s how to abstract cache back-ends. First, let’s define a function that calculates a factorial. The function also receives a cache object to store results, so that the calculation results are cached.

>>> from math import factorial
>>> def cached_factorial(cache, n):
...     try:
...         res = cache.get(('factorial', n))
...     except KeyError:
...         print(f'CACHE MISS - calculating {n}!')
...         res = factorial(n)
...         cache.put(('factorial', n), res)
...     return res

Now let’s try this with the file cache created above. First call should be a cache miss:

>>> cached_factorial(cache, 10)
CACHE MISS - calculating 10!

Subsequent calls should get the results from the cache:

>>> cached_factorial(cache, 10)

Now let's switch to the “null” back-end (the “null” back-end does not store the data anywhere — see help(pluca.null.Cache) for more info):

>>> import pluca.null
>>> null_cache = pluca.null.Cache()
>>> cached_factorial(null_cache, 10)
CACHE MISS - calculating 10!

Using caches as decorators

Caches can also be used as decorator to cache function return values:

>>> @cache
... def expensive_calculation(alpha, beta):
...     res = 0
...     print('Doing expensive calculation')
...     for i in range(0, alpha):
...         for j in range(0, beta):
...             res = i * j
...     return res
>>> cache.flush()  # Let's start with an empty cache.
>>> expensive_calculation(10, 20)
Doing expensive calculation

Calling the function again with the same parameters returns the cached result:

>>> expensive_calculation(10, 20)

Each function can have their own expiration:

>>> @cache(max_age=1)  # Expire after one second.
... def quick_calculation(alpha, beta):
...     print(f'Calculating {alpha} + {beta}')
...     return alpha + beta

First call executes the function. Second call gets the cached value.

>>> quick_calculation(1, 2)
Calculating 1 + 2
>>> quick_calculation(1, 2)

After the expiry time the calculation is done again:

>>> import time; time.sleep(1)
>>> quick_calculation(1, 2)
Calculating 1 + 2

Miscellaneous cache methods

Use get_put() to conveniently get a value from the cache, or call a function to generate it, if it is not cached already:

>>> cache.flush()
>>> def calculate_foo():
...    print('Calculating foo')
...    return 'bar'
>>> cache.get_put('foo', calculate_foo)
Calculating foo

>>> cache.get_put('foo', calculate_foo)

You can add get many entries to the cache at once by calling put_many():

>>> cache.put_many({'foo': 'bar', 'zee': 'too'})
>>> cache.get('zee')

You can also pass an iterable of (key, value) tuples. This is is useful for caching with non-hashable keys:

>>> cache.put_many([(['a', 'b', 'c'], 123), ('pi', 3.1415)])
>>> cache.get(['a', 'b', 'c'])

Use get_many() to get many results at once. This method returns a list of (key, value) tuples:

>>> cache.get_many(['zee', 'pi'])
[('zee', 'too'), ('pi', 3.1415)]

Notice that get_many() does not raise KeyError when a key is not found or has expired. Instead, the key will not be present in the returned dict:

>>> cache.get_many(['pi', 'not-there'])
[('pi', 3.1415)]

However, you can pass a default value to get_many(). This value will be returned for any non-existing keys:

>>> cache.get_many(['pi', 'not-there', 'also-not-there'], default='yes')
[('pi', 3.1415), ('not-there', 'yes'), ('also-not-there', 'yes')]

Garbage collection.

Garbage collection tells the cache to remove expired entries to save resources. This is done by the gc() method:

>>> cache.gc()

Notice that pluca never calls gc() automatically — it is up to your application to call it eventually to do garbage collection.

Global Cache API

pluca comes with a separate cache API that allows libraries and application to benefit from caching in a very flexible way. In one hand, it allows libraries that would benefit from caching to use pluca even if the calling applications doesn’t support it. On the other hand, an application that does support pluca can customize caches for specific libraries without any extra API.

In the sections below you will see how the Global Cache API works both from a library and a application perspective, but before it is important to understand how this API organizes cache objects.

The cache object tree

Cache objects are organized in a tree structure. Nodes are positioned in this tree by using “.” (dot) separated names. The “” (the empty string) node is special, and points to the root node.

When looking up a cache object by name, the API will first look for the exact node name. If none is found, then it will “move up” the tree and check for common parents. It will do this until it finds a matching cache name. If none is found, the root cache is returned.

The pluca Global Cache API hierarchy is pretty much identical to the way Python’s logging facility organizes loggers.

As a quick example, let’s say you configure three cache objects:

  • The root cache is a file cache
  • “pkg“ is a memory cache
  • “pkg.mod“ is a null cache

Then a look up of “pkg.mod” would return the null cache. If you look up “pkg.foobar”, then the memory cache would be returned, because although there’s no cache at “pkg.foobar”, they share the common prefix “pkg“. Lastly, if you look up “another.module” then you’ll get the root cache, because neither the name nor any of its ancestors exist on the cache tree.

Using the Global Cache API in libraries

Let’s say your library has a module file called, and this module has some functions that would greatly benefit from caching.

Hard-coding pluca cache instances inside your library may not be a good idea. You could design some API or configuration system to allow your library to use application-provided caches, but this would make things more complex, both for you and application developers.

The Global Cache API makes this very simple. In your library, all you need to do is this:

>>> import pluca.cache
>>> cache = pluca.cache.get_cache(__name__)

That’s it. cache is a ready-to-use pluca cache object:

>>> result = cache.get('my-very-expensive-calculation', None)

Notice that in this example we ask for a cache named __name__, which is the absolute name of your module or package. By matching modules and packages hierarchically, the API allows for fine-grained cache configuration without any coupling between applications and libraries.

Using the Global Cache API in an application

The quickest way to configure the API for the most common use case of a single application using a single cache, you can just call pluca.cache.basic_config():

>>> pluca.cache.basic_config()

This sets up a file cache as the root cache. If desired, you can use another cache back-end:

>>> # Configure a memory cache as the cache root.
>>> pluca.cache.basic_config('memory')

You can also customize the cache object:

>>> pluca.cache.basic_config('file', cache_dir='/tmp')

Note: when you call basic_config() all existing caches are removed before the new one is set up.

To configure additional caches, use pluca.cache.add():

>>> pluca.cache.add('mod', 'memory', max_entries=100)
>>> pluca.cache.add('', 'null')

This adds two caches — one at “mod“ and another at ““. Now, in the ““ module, the call get_cache(__name__) will return a “null” cache, whereas the same call on the “mod“ module will return a memory cache.

>>> # In
>>> cache = pluca.cache.get_cache(__name__)
>>> cache  # doctest: +SKIP

Calling get_cache() returns the root cache:

>>> cache = pluca.cache.get_cache()
>>> cache  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
FileCache(name=..., cache_dir=...)

A call from another random module would return the root (file) cache:

>>> # In
>>> cache = pluca.cache.get_cache(__name__)
>>> cache  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
FileCache(name=..., cache_dir=...)

NOTE: a root cache is always required. If don’t set up the root cache, then pluca.cache.basic_config() will be called to set up one for you.

The function add() has the following signature:

add(node: str, cls: str, reuse: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)

Here, node is the cache node name. cls indicates the cache class you want to instantiate for that node.

The cls parameter must be a fully-qualified class name (for example, mycustomcache.Cache). If cls is a string with no “.” (dot) in it, i is assumed to be a cache class from the the standard pluca package — for example, memory is the same as pluca.memory.Cache.

By default, caches will reuse previously created instances with the same cls name and arguments. For example, the two get_cache() calls below return the same cache object:

>>> pluca.cache.add('c1', 'file')
>>> pluca.cache.add('c2', 'file')
>>> pluca.cache.get_cache('c1') is pluca.cache.get_cache('c2')

To prevent this from happening, pass False on the reuse parameter:

>>> pluca.cache.add('c3', 'file', reuse=False)
>>> pluca.cache.get_cache('c2') is pluca.cache.get_cache('c3')

The remaining arguments to the add() function are passed unchanged to the cache class constructor.

>>> pluca.cache.add('c4', 'file', name='c4', cache_dir='/tmp')
>>> pluca.cache.get_cache('c4')
FileCache(name='c4', cache_dir=PosixPath('/tmp'))

You can also configure the API using a dict-like object using pluca.cache.dict_config():

>>> pluca.cache.dict_config({
...     'class': 'memory',  # The root cache.
...     'max_entries': 10,
...     'caches': {  # Configure extra caches.
...         'mod': {
...             'class': 'null',
...         },
...         'pkg.mod': {
...             'class': 'file',
...             'name': 'pkg_mod',
...             'cache_dir': '/tmp',
...         },
...     },
... })
>>> pluca.cache.get_cache('mod')

A facility to set up the API using a configuration file is also provided. Heres an example:

>>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
>>> temp = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+', suffix='.ini')
>>> n = temp.write('''
...     [__root__]
...     class = memory
...     max_entries = 10
...     [mod]
...     class = null
...     [pkg.mod]
...     class = file
...     name = pkg_mod
...     cache_dir = /tmp
... ''')
>>> temp.flush()
>>> pluca.cache.file_config(
>>> pluca.cache.get_cache('mod')

Removing caches

To remove cache entries, call pluca.cache.remove():

>>> pluca.cache.remove('mod')

Notice that removing a cache does not remove its children:

>>> pluca.cache.add('a.b', 'file')
>>> pluca.cache.add('a.b.c', 'file')
>>> pluca.cache.remove('a.b')
>>> pluca.cache.get_cache('a.b.c')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

To remove all cache entries and effectively reset the Global Cache API, call pluca.cache.remove_all():

>>> pluca.cache.remove_all()

Flushing, garbage collection, shutdown

You can do garbage collection and flush all Global Cache API caches at once:

>> pluca.cache.flush()
>> pluca.cache.gc()

Both remove() and remove_all() functions shutdown removed caches automatically. To prevent this, pass False in shutdown:

>>> pluca.cache.basic_config()
>>> pluca.cache.remove(shutdown=False)
>>> pluca.cache.remove_all(shutdown=False)


  • Cache keys are internally converted to strings using Python’s repr() function. As long as your keys objects have stable representations, this will cause no problems. However, for types with unstable representation, for example those that have no inherent ordering (e.g., frozenset), this can be problematic because there’s no guarantee that repr(key) will return the same string value every time. This applies even to objects deep inside your key. For example, this is a bad composite key:

      >>> key = ('foo', ('another', set((1, 2, 3))))  # set is unstable
  • By default pluca uses pickle to serialize and unserialize data. A quoted from the Python documentation:

    It is possible to construct malicious pickle data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Never unpickle data that could have come from an untrusted source, or that could have been tampered with.

    So be careful where you store your cached data.

Included back-ends

These are the cache back-ends that come with the pluca package:

  • dbm - store cache entries usim DBM “databases”.

  • file - store cache entries on the file system.

  • memory - a memory-only cache that exists for the duration of the cache instance.

  • null - the null cache - get() always raises KeyError.

  • sql - store cache entries in SQL databases.

  • sqlite3 - store cache entries in a SQLite3 database. Based on the sql back-end, but with SQLite3 specific functionalities.

To obtain help about those cache back-ends, run help(pluca.MODULE.Cache), where MODULE is one of the module names above.


The pluca.benchmark module can be used to benchmark the back-ends:

$ python -m pluca.benchmark

Pass -h to see the benchmark options.

Issues? Bugs? Suggestions?



Plugable cache architecture for Python





